The Finished Act
"Therefore when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, "It is finished!" And He bowed His head and gave up His spirit." John 19:30
My mom's friend told me something a few weeks ago now: we spend too much time focused on the sin than being focused on Jesus. But think about it, its true! How many churches focus on the sins of the congregation, than preaching of the finished act that Jesus completed at Calvary--the redemption of our souls from eternal damnation. I have been thinking about it long and hard because I am one of those people that condemns myself. If I do something wrong to someone, I immediately feel guilt (not that this is a bad thing, because it isn't). However, I will stay sad or just meditate over whatever it is without forgiving myself and giving the issue to God. I think so much about it, that I miss out on the fact that God delivers me when I come to Him in forgiveness. Like truthfully, I have not been spending as much time as I need to in God's presence, just reading and studying the Word...which directly corresponds to the number of devotions I have written the last few weeks. I have been praying and thanking Him, but not giving Him the time I should. So of course, instead of asking forgiveness and asking Him to renew my mind, I just feel guilty about my lack of communication with Him. But God!!
God already knows what you are going to do before you do. This does not excuse sin. But we must remember that within ourselves we cannot fully commit to change. Only God can fully change us. We must submit everything before Him for His power to flow through and move those things that we struggle with, including our plans, desires, and people. I cannot go to God about something, pray about it, and then try to change it myself; that's being an Indian giver lol. I end up taking back whatever I asked His help with to try and fix it within my own power. That is impossible. I exhibit a lack of faith because I don't trust God to take care of whatever the situation is. If I focus on Jesus and the help that He provides, I don't focus on my problems, I don't focus on my illnesses, or whatever the case may be. I give God the free reign He desires from me to really make those mountains move. I can say it all day long, but until I turn my thoughts and attention to Jesus, nothing major can get done. We've got to open our fists and stop clutching these things that are holding us back from walking in the fullness of God. You cannot expect anything to happen if you are holding on to something--because obviously you have done what you think would fix the situation and it did not work. Focus on God, ask forgiveness if you sin, give whatever your struggle is to Him, and again Focus!! Focus on what Jesus has already done and let that empower you to be focused on Jesus' ability to work through you. Let God bring to pass the things He has for a willing vessel for His use. Don't continue to give Satan the victory by staying in guilt and a believer in Jesus Christ you are a child of the Most High God and there is nothing impossible for Him.
"Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." Romans 12:2