Because we have these promises, dear friends, let us cleanse ourselves
from everything that can defile our body or spirit. And let us work
toward complete holiness because we fear God. 2 Corinthians 7:1 NLT
Wow! God truly has a word for EVERYTHING!
So, I'm four days into my juicing detox fast...and EVERYTHING, I mean
EVERYTHING that I am praying for release from, God has moved. I am an
supporter of fasting because my life is evidence of how faithful God
has been. I decided to take it a step further and make a major life
change and just start afresh, and detox and cleanse my mind, body and
spirit from the ills that have afflicted me so that I can enter this
next phase empty of everything so that I can fill up on God and move
major mountains.
Prior to this scripture, the last part of 2 Corinthians 6 refers to
being unequally yoked. I realize now that some of the things that
have happened to me, both by my choice and out of my control, have
caused me to be yoked to things and attitudes that have hindered my
growth spiritually. The primary purpose of my detox is to break those
habits and mindsets. I have chosen to be released from shame, guilt,
fear, worry, anxiety, doubt, and insecurities to name a few. But it
is the presence of these things--things not of God--that have hindered
me. They had taken up residence in my mind and kept me bound, and
even had me at a point of doubting God for those things I was
believing Him for. They hampered my growth spiritually and my
progression to the next level in my life.
I am sure that most people do not recognize how these things creep in.
For example, I did not realize how the lack of trust my ex-boyfriend
had in others then transferred to me. I doubted any guy I met
(although not totally without reason) and thus the next relationship
after that, I questioned everything about it until I realized what was
going on. I prayed about it and God eventually revealed to me what I
was doing--sabotaging it through my lack of trust. In that case, I
learned we must trust until someone shows us they should not be
trusted, but that is not really relevant here.
We must step outside of our feelings and recognize those things that
keep us yoked and bound to former ways and habits. We must take heed
of those things that prevent us from growing deeper in relationship to
God. These things infect our thinking, dis-ease our hearts, and
impair our vision both in the natural and spirit. They tend to make
us negative and ultimately take root to stop us from becoming more and
more like Christ. Can you take time to detox, and allow Christ to
cleanse you from everything that keeps you from the full embodiment of
His likeness? Break free and be emptied of those things that WILL
impede any success and blind you to God's direction. Be cleansed and
be reunited to the Father!
"Therefore come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch
no unclean thing, and I will receive you. I will be a Father to you,
and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty." 2
Corinthians 6:17-18 NIV
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.
Psalm 11:8 AKJV
Growing up I had the strange desire to have to use crutches. When my
dad broke his ankle, my brothers and I took turns playing with the
crutches. Strange things we want as kids...I wanted to have to wear a
cast haha, I wanted glasses (overrated, as my brief experience
resulted in a lost pair of glasses I paid for myself grrr), and I
wanted braces (yet another experience I don't miss but I often
consider to further perfect my smile haha). But now as an adult and
having had to use them myself after a foot injury and the ugly boot
that ensued...crutches are a blessing and a curse all at once.
I guess I'm not meant to find that devotion I wrote...bummer. Anyway,
I have had the tendency in life to seek guidance from others. As a
consequence of that, I tend to get dependent and reliant that those
people will always be a resource for me. God ALWAYS has a way of
snatching the crutches back from me. You see the downside to using
crutches for too long is that you become dependent on them, so much
that you get comfortable and complacent where you are. You stop
challenging and pushing yourself to do better, until you get into a
position where you feel stuck. Ah yes, in the past, I got to that
place quite often. It was like finally one day God got tired of me
and told me enough was enough and started snatching the crutches
away--the people I went to in order to seek Him, instead of praying
and going to Him for myself. Isn't that why Jesus died, so that we
are no longer separated from the Father? There is no longer a need
for sacrifices--well maybe sacrificing time here and there to truly
spend that time with God.
And it would happen that either that person who had become my crutch
would say something I didn't agree with, hurt my feelings, or offend
me in some way. Then I would go back to God for myself. Now I
recognize it is the same thing happening again, some people had become
my crutches in Charleston or over the years. Now that I have left, so
have the crutches, and I am learning to walk on my own again, except
this time hand in hand with God.
Maybe a valued friend or mentor has recently left their coveted
position in your life and like me, it has left you confounded,
confused, and in disbelief. Rest assured, God's hand is stretched out
to you in order for you to get through, but this time He wants you to
come to Him for yourself, beyond the veil. I realize crutches are
only supposed to support you in a time of weakness. But how do you
know that your legs are strong enough until you try to walk without
"Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you.
And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the
age."" Matthew 28:20 NLT
Psalm 11:8 AKJV
Growing up I had the strange desire to have to use crutches. When my
dad broke his ankle, my brothers and I took turns playing with the
crutches. Strange things we want as kids...I wanted to have to wear a
cast haha, I wanted glasses (overrated, as my brief experience
resulted in a lost pair of glasses I paid for myself grrr), and I
wanted braces (yet another experience I don't miss but I often
consider to further perfect my smile haha). But now as an adult and
having had to use them myself after a foot injury and the ugly boot
that ensued...crutches are a blessing and a curse all at once.
I guess I'm not meant to find that devotion I wrote...bummer. Anyway,
I have had the tendency in life to seek guidance from others. As a
consequence of that, I tend to get dependent and reliant that those
people will always be a resource for me. God ALWAYS has a way of
snatching the crutches back from me. You see the downside to using
crutches for too long is that you become dependent on them, so much
that you get comfortable and complacent where you are. You stop
challenging and pushing yourself to do better, until you get into a
position where you feel stuck. Ah yes, in the past, I got to that
place quite often. It was like finally one day God got tired of me
and told me enough was enough and started snatching the crutches
away--the people I went to in order to seek Him, instead of praying
and going to Him for myself. Isn't that why Jesus died, so that we
are no longer separated from the Father? There is no longer a need
for sacrifices--well maybe sacrificing time here and there to truly
spend that time with God.
And it would happen that either that person who had become my crutch
would say something I didn't agree with, hurt my feelings, or offend
me in some way. Then I would go back to God for myself. Now I
recognize it is the same thing happening again, some people had become
my crutches in Charleston or over the years. Now that I have left, so
have the crutches, and I am learning to walk on my own again, except
this time hand in hand with God.
Maybe a valued friend or mentor has recently left their coveted
position in your life and like me, it has left you confounded,
confused, and in disbelief. Rest assured, God's hand is stretched out
to you in order for you to get through, but this time He wants you to
come to Him for yourself, beyond the veil. I realize crutches are
only supposed to support you in a time of weakness. But how do you
know that your legs are strong enough until you try to walk without
"Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you.
And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the
age."" Matthew 28:20 NLT
Monday, November 19, 2012
The LORD will smite you with the boils of Egypt and with tumors and
with the scab and with the itch, from which you cannot be healed.
Deuteronomy 28:27 NASB
Itching in almost all cases is an indicator that there is something
wrong. Whether you start itching immediately after a mosquito bite,
you start itching during the summer from the heat and the resultant
eczema patches, or you are suffering from allergy and sinus-induced
itching and scratching of the throat and ears as often used to happen
to me, itching is an indication that further investigation should be
done to identify the root of the issue.
Likewise, when we itch spiritually, that is a clear and key indication
that something is going wrong in our lives. And more often than not,
we all seek natural ways to calm the itch.
Testimony Time! Okay, sigh, inhale and exhale here it goes...
So...when I had my transplant, I decided to give my life to God fully,
meaning I would date whoever He had for me--thus resulting in me
breaking up with my high school sweetheart, I would do whatever He
wanted me to do with my life--including pursuing ministry if that is
what He had for me, and just live life for Him and leave everything
that was hindering from true growth and development behind. Sure
enough...I started in the area of love, seeking to learn to love
whoever He put my life how He loved me. So I tried, I mean I tried,
taking every kind of mental blow and honestly lowering my standards to
be the best girlfriend I could be. But something within me just felt
the relationship was so wrong. On the surface, everything seemed
okay. I thought my apprehension was a defense mechanism I had
acquired from life and life experiences. Instead of letting God love
me and thus teach me how to love others with His agape kind of love, I
stayed in an unhealthy relationship that took a toll on me and scarred
me. I was so afraid to be in a relationship after that one that I
just kind of 'floating' in a quasi-relationship status, from one guy
to the next, all the while harboring the anger and bitterness that my
ex sparked within me. I had the realization at my dad's funeral that
I had a perfect example of His love all along in my parent's
relationship...and I had been seeking to satisfy that need to love and
be in a relationship for validation in the wrong person, through the
wrong means.
I now know that it is no truer a statement that if you try to appease
an itch with a mediocre balm--lust, human conditional love, work,
etc.--IT WON'T HELP! In fact, it can make the itch worse. It can and
will leave you broken, battered, bruised and still itching!
I find comfort now that as long as the thing I desire is in God's
will, He will provide it. I can go to Him and get my fill of
'antihistamines' and 'histamine-blockers' for any situation or
circumstance. Stop scratching those itches with poor imitations of
the real thing! You can't get a knockoff generic when Benadryl is
proven to provide you relief! God is the relief you seek!
And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from
his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19 NLT
with the scab and with the itch, from which you cannot be healed.
Deuteronomy 28:27 NASB
Itching in almost all cases is an indicator that there is something
wrong. Whether you start itching immediately after a mosquito bite,
you start itching during the summer from the heat and the resultant
eczema patches, or you are suffering from allergy and sinus-induced
itching and scratching of the throat and ears as often used to happen
to me, itching is an indication that further investigation should be
done to identify the root of the issue.
Likewise, when we itch spiritually, that is a clear and key indication
that something is going wrong in our lives. And more often than not,
we all seek natural ways to calm the itch.
Testimony Time! Okay, sigh, inhale and exhale here it goes...
So...when I had my transplant, I decided to give my life to God fully,
meaning I would date whoever He had for me--thus resulting in me
breaking up with my high school sweetheart, I would do whatever He
wanted me to do with my life--including pursuing ministry if that is
what He had for me, and just live life for Him and leave everything
that was hindering from true growth and development behind. Sure
enough...I started in the area of love, seeking to learn to love
whoever He put my life how He loved me. So I tried, I mean I tried,
taking every kind of mental blow and honestly lowering my standards to
be the best girlfriend I could be. But something within me just felt
the relationship was so wrong. On the surface, everything seemed
okay. I thought my apprehension was a defense mechanism I had
acquired from life and life experiences. Instead of letting God love
me and thus teach me how to love others with His agape kind of love, I
stayed in an unhealthy relationship that took a toll on me and scarred
me. I was so afraid to be in a relationship after that one that I
just kind of 'floating' in a quasi-relationship status, from one guy
to the next, all the while harboring the anger and bitterness that my
ex sparked within me. I had the realization at my dad's funeral that
I had a perfect example of His love all along in my parent's
relationship...and I had been seeking to satisfy that need to love and
be in a relationship for validation in the wrong person, through the
wrong means.
I now know that it is no truer a statement that if you try to appease
an itch with a mediocre balm--lust, human conditional love, work,
etc.--IT WON'T HELP! In fact, it can make the itch worse. It can and
will leave you broken, battered, bruised and still itching!
I find comfort now that as long as the thing I desire is in God's
will, He will provide it. I can go to Him and get my fill of
'antihistamines' and 'histamine-blockers' for any situation or
circumstance. Stop scratching those itches with poor imitations of
the real thing! You can't get a knockoff generic when Benadryl is
proven to provide you relief! God is the relief you seek!
And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from
his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19 NLT
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Setting Sails and Pruning Rosebushes: Allowing the Process So You can Grow
“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.” John 15:1-2 NIV
I am truly having a case of déjà vu today!!!! I either dreamed I wrote this devotion because I searched through all the ones on my blog and I cannot find them!! (UPDATE: success! I found the original devotion I wrote on this topic…you can see it here: Anyway…I wish I could shout to you how much this scripture means to me. Look at the screenshot below from my vision board:

In the bottom left there is a picture of pruning shears. God gave me revelation on some of the things I want–true companionship with my future husband and doing everything He put me here to do while I’m on Earth–and it was this very picture that spoke to me the most. I had to be pruned–pruned of negative attitudes, old habits and bad behaviors, fear, doubt, worry–everything that sought to keep me from God’s blessings. I thought about this yesterday as I talked with one of my friends about how my recent loss of friends (rather, God’s pruning me of them as I realized, His removing them from my life) had made me feel. I honestly know this was God’s will, because one of the persons was genuinely not happy about what God had chosen to do in my life, and the other…well I don’t know about him lol.
Pruning as Jesus relays above, prepares you for more growth. Dang, it just hit me. PRUNING prepares you for more growth. It is a part of the process, you cannot truly grow unless you have been thoroughly pruned. I remember being outside with my daddy growing up, and he was pulling the old rose blossoms off the vine. It was then that he said you have to pull off the dead blooms so more can grow (Thanks Daddy!!). I never fully understood that concept until now…things that had once blossomed in your life and have since died, it has shed its leaves and dried up–it cannot grow anymore! It can no longer be that beautiful rose you once saw. It now barely, if at all, resembles the beautiful blossom it once was. Life has been sucked out of it, and if it is not removed or doesn’t fall off, it can leach the lifeblood from the remaining vine and nearby buds.
It dawned on me yesterday and it was confirmed today in talking to one of my friends (thanks Shawnda): sometimes we have to stop clinching these things and people so tightly–especially in the process of being prepared because God has to work on us now. How can you experience that increase or receive those blessings if you will not allow God to take away the thorns–those things about you that make you less than appealing to others at times? Ladies, would you rather have a thorny bouquet with some dead buds or a dozen (or more) long-stemmed roses? And fellas, be forewarned lol thorny roses are not necessarily the best gift, so don’t go picking roses off someone’s bush! (just kidding, but really don’t do that) They both smell great, but to enjoy the latter you must accept the pain that comes with it because it is a part of the nature of that flower. (Yeah that one was for me lol) HOW can you honestly expect to be able to sail to the next destination with the anchor still stuck in the bed of the harbor? You have to allow that pruning process–but take it from me, do it with open hands because it sure does hurt to be pruned and have things snatched out of your grasp! You are in a season where you are being prepared and to prepare for that next harvest, the weeds, brambles, sticks, stones, and parasites must be eradicated! Ask yourself, who IS sucking the life out of you???
Until next time: allow the process and think how much better you will look after it is over!
If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. John 15:7-8 NIV
I am truly having a case of déjà vu today!!!! I either dreamed I wrote this devotion because I searched through all the ones on my blog and I cannot find them!! (UPDATE: success! I found the original devotion I wrote on this topic…you can see it here: Anyway…I wish I could shout to you how much this scripture means to me. Look at the screenshot below from my vision board:
In the bottom left there is a picture of pruning shears. God gave me revelation on some of the things I want–true companionship with my future husband and doing everything He put me here to do while I’m on Earth–and it was this very picture that spoke to me the most. I had to be pruned–pruned of negative attitudes, old habits and bad behaviors, fear, doubt, worry–everything that sought to keep me from God’s blessings. I thought about this yesterday as I talked with one of my friends about how my recent loss of friends (rather, God’s pruning me of them as I realized, His removing them from my life) had made me feel. I honestly know this was God’s will, because one of the persons was genuinely not happy about what God had chosen to do in my life, and the other…well I don’t know about him lol.
Pruning as Jesus relays above, prepares you for more growth. Dang, it just hit me. PRUNING prepares you for more growth. It is a part of the process, you cannot truly grow unless you have been thoroughly pruned. I remember being outside with my daddy growing up, and he was pulling the old rose blossoms off the vine. It was then that he said you have to pull off the dead blooms so more can grow (Thanks Daddy!!). I never fully understood that concept until now…things that had once blossomed in your life and have since died, it has shed its leaves and dried up–it cannot grow anymore! It can no longer be that beautiful rose you once saw. It now barely, if at all, resembles the beautiful blossom it once was. Life has been sucked out of it, and if it is not removed or doesn’t fall off, it can leach the lifeblood from the remaining vine and nearby buds.
It dawned on me yesterday and it was confirmed today in talking to one of my friends (thanks Shawnda): sometimes we have to stop clinching these things and people so tightly–especially in the process of being prepared because God has to work on us now. How can you experience that increase or receive those blessings if you will not allow God to take away the thorns–those things about you that make you less than appealing to others at times? Ladies, would you rather have a thorny bouquet with some dead buds or a dozen (or more) long-stemmed roses? And fellas, be forewarned lol thorny roses are not necessarily the best gift, so don’t go picking roses off someone’s bush! (just kidding, but really don’t do that) They both smell great, but to enjoy the latter you must accept the pain that comes with it because it is a part of the nature of that flower. (Yeah that one was for me lol) HOW can you honestly expect to be able to sail to the next destination with the anchor still stuck in the bed of the harbor? You have to allow that pruning process–but take it from me, do it with open hands because it sure does hurt to be pruned and have things snatched out of your grasp! You are in a season where you are being prepared and to prepare for that next harvest, the weeds, brambles, sticks, stones, and parasites must be eradicated! Ask yourself, who IS sucking the life out of you???
Until next time: allow the process and think how much better you will look after it is over!
If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. John 15:7-8 NIV
God is Moving!
Hi everyone!
Here are some announcements:
Seeing how I can reach a broader base...
Be blessed!
In His love,
Facebook: Marquita Priester
Twitter: MzPriester2U
Google+: Marquita P
YouTube Channel: Marquita P
Here are some announcements:
Seeing how I can reach a broader base...
- I decided to revive my old blogger Blog in conjunction with my existing domain, You can subscribe to either and my goal is to deliver you a weekly word to take and apply!
- Also feel free to add me on Google+!
- I now have a YouTube channel and will be posting there every Tuesday at 9:15pm CST.
- Lastly, I have a weekly bible study on Google Hangouts! Feel free to join in as we dissect God's word in a loving environment!
Be blessed!
In His love,
Facebook: Marquita Priester
Twitter: MzPriester2U
Google+: Marquita P
YouTube Channel: Marquita P
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