Monday, December 1, 2014

God Will Get The Glory

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

I'm reading The Grave Robber by Mark Batterson and it is truthfully the most painful read I've had to do in a while.  The lessons are so necessary but it is truly helping me to see God in a new light and have a deeper and truer love for Him. 

We often complain about the situations we face and allow them to make us victims. It's been a while since I've sat down and had a pity party like that though (not that I'm planning one lol). After God gave me steps for forgiving others, I began the process by trying to explain away or understand why people did the things they did to me in order to let go. Then one day it dawned on me that I needed to forgive for the sake of forgiving and to truly be victorious in the situation.  I had to acknowledge God allowed it, so there must be some good for me in it or through it--that He would use it in some way for His glory.

I can say now with peace that many of the things I have experienced and since overcame, God has allowed me to testify about to others in the midst of the same things.  But it was this past weekend as I read a passage in the book that I realized the importance of accepting Romans 8:28 in regard to the things we face--and really understanding that God's glory can be gained in any situation. 

I relate to several people in the bible.  Besides Abraham, Job, Peter, Deborah, Hannah, and Esther, Joseph is a favorite person of mine. I have had dreams and shared them and I have been discouraged by those close to me.  I have been left in a pit metaphorically by those who are supposed to love and care for me.  I have been overlooked, forgotten and taken advantage of by those who are supposed to have my best interest at heart. What has served to give me peace and comfort is knowing that all those things that happened to me have purpose and a blessing at the end. God used Joseph's suffering to elevate and position him to be the savior of the world as he knew it via being named second in command to Pharoah after interpreting his dream. And He has used my testimony to inspire some that are close to me and now many I don't know. 

The particular passage studied is the miracle of Jesus giving sight to the man born blind. Like most of us do (ask God "Why?" -- don't worry, I do it often), the disciples asked why was the man born blind--or in present terminology, whose fault was it.  Jesus's powerful declaration that it wasn't the result of the man's sin or his parents but that the glory of God may be revealed through it hit my heart. It reminded me of Joseph's words in Genesis 50:20 (You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.)  and it really opened my mind. Regardless of what you have done, what has happened to you, and when it happened, all of it will work out for your good.  God's work in your life will work out for His glory and your good. Even when it seems bleak and hopeless, God is too great to let the situation not bring Him glory.

I am grateful for this book and how God is revealing things to me as I walk closer with Him.  I have a great deal many concerns in my heart and I try to take them all to God and leave them with Him.  But today I know it was necessary to read these things and to accept that it will all work out.  When God is a making a testimony through the things we face, it seems like the worst thing that could ever happen.  But I now rest in peace after reading this book.  I accept that His glory will be revealed through all these things. It may take a week, a month or as in Joseph's case 17 years, but it will work out. I encourage you to choose to walk in victory today regardless of what you see in the natural because God will get the glory out of this!  See life through the eyes of faith.

But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.  1 Corinthians 15:57

Monday, November 24, 2014

My God Is Real

They conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they did not love their lives in the face of death.   Revelation 12:11

I was battling on sharing this, but I'll rather be obedient any day than resist.  So here goes.

I have been doing the 40 day prayer challenge (I began again on November 8) Draw the Circle by Mark Batterson.  One of my prayers during the prayer challenge is for direction in what to do and how to pray for others.  And I never imagined how God would answer this prayer.  I assumed it would something like, pull back from this person, pray for her, or him, or whatever.  But God being the great God that He is...completely blew my mind yesterday and today.

A person very dear to me was the subject of a dream I had November 15.  I wondered what it could mean for a while then I came to understand after praying some parts of the dream.  I made up in my mind that I would not hesitate to reach out, so I texted her on Monday of last week and made plans to talk to her the next day.  By some weird occurrences, we did not talk on Tuesday, but she texted me on Wednesday.  I called her after class at 9:25 or so, and was only going to talk to her during my commute to work, but ended up being on the phone for nearly an hour.

From that conversation, I came to understand that I went through what I had gone through going up and the subsequent healing process God has lead me through afterwards for a reason.  I was grateful I could share what God did for me with her and was grateful for the great things that await her now--comfort others the way you yourself have been comforted (2 Cor 1:4).  She had literally experienced some of the same things I went through:  she had been molested, like I was, and she had also been raped and sexually assaulted, and she had her suffering overlooked, like mine had been, by some of the same people who overlooked mine and it had dictated her life choices like it had for me for a long time.  I was able to share how great God is and how much He loves us, how He sees us through the blood of Jesus.  I also explained to her how those things had controlled me, but how God delivered me and would do the same for her.  I vowed that I would check on her regularly and that she could reach out to me whenever and we would go through it together.

I went out of town this weekend, and even while out of town I checked on her...which I normally would not.  If you call into the prayer line, I normally do not make myself available when I have things going on because I have learned the importance of balance.  But for whatever reason, God made sure to make me respond.  

So then comes yesterday.  I made it back in safely and was heading to my niece's birthday party.  Then I received some very upsetting texts from her and my heart broke.  She decided she could not take the pressures of everything she had endured and is currently enduring any more.  She decided that she was going to end her life.  I was stunned and so very sad, but I prayed because I immediately thought about my own limitations and how I was helpless to physically help her...I offered to try and help her with her bills if I had money to help.  I was sad that I had class and work today and could not go to stop her.  But I remembered to pray...I texted several people very close to me who I knew I could trust to pray, who all responded and prayed.  One of my prayer partners and my mom agreed that we would pray with her personally and I was praying while I was at my niece's party.  We got back home and I did the only thing I knew how to do...I prayed.  I believed that only God could fix the situation and everything He pressed on my heart to bind up and decree and declare over her life I did.  My mom left after she shared some critical words with her and then she began to speak.  My mom and prayer partner both noticed something was wrong with her speech from the beginning of the call, but I kept praying.  My prayer partner and I began to share additional scriptures with her and it was then that there was a shift.  

Immediately, she began to speak clearly and began to call on the name of Jesus, saying wow, I understand now, I see what you were doing, I finally understand why you have been bringing it all back now, I need more, and just praising God.  I myself felt the presence of the Lord and I just began to cry and praise Him for whatever was happening.  She had a real, personal encounter with God, and it was then that things began to change...she went from defeat to victory, from victim to victor, and began to profess her faith.

What we did not know when we got on the phone was that she had taken 12 pills and was drinking.  What we did not know is that they began to kick in while we were on the phone.  What we did not know is that God decided to make himself real to her in the midst of the drugs taking effect in her system and give her a clarity that she has never had.  I am fighting back tears typing this...because God saved her and did not let her die.  He did not let her give up and He validated my faith yesterday.  Even in talking to her today, He personally assured me to know that everything that I am praying for will be okay and will work out.  So...I will not and I cannot worry. I will not and I cannot doubt Him anymore.  If He could save her from a certain death by overdosing, He can fix everything concerning me and who I am praying for.  He can right every wrong and redeem every loss.  He can redeem the time and give us double for our trouble, just like He did with Job.  I know this was long, but if you don't believe in God, or don't think He cares....just...please try Him out.  Miracles still happen every day.  We have just been conditioned in our world to think they don't happen and that God is not real.  There are so many people that make you want to think that God is a figment of your imagination, but when you witness Him save someone, or if you experience Him saving your life as He has saved mine countless times,  you stop questioning and start surrendering.  So try God out.  Ask Him for a personal encounter, a personal experience and to show Himself to you.  Vow to trust Him...and believe today.

Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman's testimony, "He told me everything I ever did."  John 4:39

Get Ticked Off

On the next day, when they had left Bethany, He became hungry. 13Seeing at a distance a fig tree in leaf, He went to see if perhaps He would find anything on it; and when He came to it, He found nothing but leaves, for it was not the season for figs. 14He said to it, “May no one ever eat fruit from you again!” And His disciples were listening.
As they were passing by in the morning, they saw the fig tree withered from the roots up. 21Being reminded, Peter said to Him, “Rabbi, look, the fig tree which You cursed has withered.” 22And Jesus answered saying to them, “Have faith in God. 23“Truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says is going to happen, it will be granted him. 24“Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted you. 25“Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father who is in heaven will also forgive you your transgressions. 26[“But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father who is in heaven forgive your transgressions.”]
Mark 11:12-14, 20-26

Today and this weekend, this passage took on new meaning for me and my faith walk.  As I was talking with one of my prayer partners today, I was having to scold her almost.  But it literally was during the conversation with her that I came to understand how important it is to have faith in God and believe that the things we pray for will manifest.  I almost got frustrated with her and with myself because it finally sunk it what this meant.  Primarily, if we ask God for healing, we must be so convinced that it will happen that nothing anyone says to us, nothing we read, nothing the doctor says and nothing the enemy wants us to think can steal it from us.  I looked the 23rd verse up in the lexicon dictionary and the greek word for "Be taken" means to raise, take up and to lift.  The greek word for "up and cast" means to throw, cast.  So literally, the mountains, the obstacles in our lives have to be raised, taken up (uprooted), and lifted and then thrown and cast into the sea.  This requires action!! None of this is passive.

I realized how quickly I have given up on some of the promises God has spoken to me in my own life.  Now it makes sense what He told me to believe and have faith this past week, and to not give up on what He has said.  I have almost been cynical and doubtful like Sarah had been when the Angel of the Lord told her that she would have a son about some of the things He has promised me. (See Genesis 18:1-15; don't laugh at God!)  I have listened to the doubt-filled words of others and taken situations at face value and accepted them for what it is. But today's revelation and some of the things that happened this weekend have lit a fire in my heart to go get what He has promised me.

If you want your healing, you have to go get it.  If you want a job, apply for jobs.  If you want to be married, close the doors on old relationships, cast off the baggage from relationships past, be healed and be married to God for your season.  Allow God to mold you into the husband or wife you are called to be.  None this is passive.  You cannot wait passively for God to heal you if you do not confess healing scriptures and cast down every thought that seeks to discourage you.  You will not get married and be happily married if you are still bitter and broken hearted among other things; you have got to believe that God will prepare you.  Also, you need to pray that whatever obstacles to that moment are removed and believe it!  Case and point, pray and believe that it will happen and if there is an obstacle, i.e. distance, your growth, your maturity and healing, generational curses and insecurities--speak to them.  Get into the word; find scriptures for what it is that you are believing God for.  You will not get a job or a different career without some applications.  You cannot get mad at God if you do not do or have not done your part.  Yes, sometimes these things require patience.  Patience is an action also.  But stagnancy and complacency do not mean the same thing; you cannot just let it pass you by.  Seize the day!  Get the healing you need.  Exercise your faith and do your part.  I firmly believe that is why verse 25 and 26 are included, you have to be willing to forgive yourself and others to be healed, which of course emphasize your call to action.  You have to do something.  So, get ticked off like Jesus did with the fig tree.  Stop letting your blessings pass you by.  Believe!!!!!

And He said to them, "Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.  Matthew 17:20

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

When Bold is All You Can Be

Now He was telling them a parable to show that at all times they ought to pray and not to lose heart, 2saying, “In a certain city there was a judge who did not fear God and did not respect man. 3“There was a widow in that city, and she kept coming to him, saying, ‘Give me legal protection from my opponent.’ 4“For a while he was unwilling; but afterward he said to himself, ‘Even though I do not fear God nor respect man, 5yet because this widow bothers me, I will give her legal protection, otherwise by continually coming she will wear me out.’” 6And the Lord said, “Hear what the unrighteous judge said; 7now, will not God bring about justice for His elect who cry to Him day and night, and will He delay long over them? 8“I tell you that He will bring about justice for them quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?”  Luke 18:1-8

If you have ever reached that point in a situation where all you can do is can no longer reason, you can't figure it out on your own, and you cannot change the situation for have reached the place you should have reached at the beginning of the situation.  It is much easier said than done.  Today and the last week God has been sending the reminder to me and for me to share with others that we need to be bold.  We need to pray bold prayers, and we need to really exert our faith.  It's like the "Test Your Might" games, where you muster up all the strength you can to score as high as you can.  This is the point of no return, where your faith must buck up and stand strong to reveal God's purpose.

Boldness can often be confused with arrogance, cockiness, and conceit.  But in the true sense of the word, it implies courage.  It is time to be courageous in your faith and face the situations that lie ahead.  But don't do it lying down.  Recognize that God goes before you and in turning the situation over to Him, He alone can order your steps in the way that will propel you to your destination.  

I read this passage in the commentary and what sticks out to me is the callousness of the judge.  He did not care--your job does not care, your significant other, your family, your friends, your bill collectors, the doctor, even the judge--they do not care.  And because they do not care, it makes the injury even more painful.  But the greatness of God reminds us that He is greater than all of these "judges" in our lives.  Keep praying, keep asking, keep knocking, and keep seeking.  And He who is faithful and just will answer you!  Be bold, be strong and of good courage.  Know that God will answer and will move on your behalf.  

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.  Galatians 6:9

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Welcome the Inconveniences

And some men were carrying on a bed a man who was paralyzed; and they were trying to bring him in and to set him down in front of Him. 19But not finding any way to bring him in because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and let him down through the tiles with his stretcher, into the middle of the crowd, in front of Jesus. 20Seeing their faith, He said, "Friend, your sins are forgiven you."  Luke 5:18-20

As I sit here at my desk, I am fighting tears.  I have not been this overcome with a desire for a touch of God in a while.  In fact, even though I pray many times a day, talk with God regularly, pray and intercede for others, I have felt an emptiness in some areas.  Most of it is because I have been trying to live life as I wanted it, rushing things along, trying to figure it all out.  It is also because I have not allowed God to refill me.  THAT will drive you crazy.  Things fall apart, people change their minds, people don't comply, and things simply go awry.  But today and honestly the last few weeks I have had a renewed desire to seek God even more intently than before, especially with some things on the horizon.  I welcome it all.

I began reading a new book a few weeks ago.  It's titled "The Grave Robber" by Mark Batterson, author of the Circle Maker and its corresponding prayer challenge, Draw The Circle (which I LOVE!!).  It details Jesus' ministry via the book of John, walking through the miracles detailed therein.  And it has honestly ignited a love of Jesus in me that I never knew.  How He transcends time, distance, space, states (solids, liquids, and gases--as a math/science lover this is spot on for me), laws of physics, lol, in performing these miracles, it truly reveals who He is as God incarnate.  Between reading this book, finishing up the prayer challenge and starting over, listening to the sermon series by my home church pastor (IT is AWESOME!) and then yesterday listening to TD Jakes' sermon at the recommendation of one of the ladies I pray for...I have just been full.  Oh and let me not forget listening to Fill Me Up, sung by the praise team at the Potter's House, then listening to Tasha Cobbs sing it and then listening to the original by Jesus Culture...okay yes I'm there.  But today, I read something that stuck out.  Are you willing to be inconvenienced?  I can't lie, I have NOT been willing.  I have been tired, burnt out, upset with God, frustrated and confused at why I have been having to pray for this person, listen to that person, stay up late, wake up early, read this, confess that, and most of it was not for me at all!!  I literally wished at times He would stop being cryptic with me and just tell me! Haha I was being selfish, because I have my own things going on.  But the truth is, like I have done time and time again, I have not been trusting God and I have been dodging Him in acknowledging the answers to prayers He has shown me.  

Not too often do we want to be inconvenienced.  The homeless person on the corner asking for food or money, the family member or friend that just wants to spend time with us or in need of a listening ear, or the complete stranger that needs prayer...these things...not happening or getting our time.  But I was reminded today that it is in the inconveniences that we experience the miracles of God.  The Roman official who WALKED 20+ miles to have his son healed, the woman with the issue of blood that fought through the crowd to merely touch the hem of his garment, the Good Samaritan that spent his own money to take care of the man who had been beaten and robbed, and these four friends that carried their paralytic friend to the roof of a house, opened it and lowered him down so that he could be healed by Jesus...these stories, all these instances represent inconveniences that people endured to go after what they wanted.  As I was reading, it was like the story was on loud speaker like I was at church and I was thinking, yep, faith without works is dead.  

Sometimes, well most if not all of the time, the touch of God we seek will require us to step outside the bounds of comfort.  How often do you look beyond the immediacy of what is going on in your life to be inconvenienced?  Even in your own needs, you give up after praying a few times, right?  You question what God spoke to you.  You doubt.  You contemplate turning your back on your faith.  You.give.up.  You run back to Him and repeat the process again.  In these days and times, we live for instant gratification.  Microwave society as I love to call it.  We cannot have a microwave faith.  As one of my blog readers/youTube channel subscribers wrote me, if God healed us or delivered us instantly in some cases, we would no longer have a need for Him.  I know this to be true.  I realize now if God would have completely healed me in college, I would not have sought Him in prayer before my transplant, where many of my family, friends, and church members gathered together to intercede for me and my brother.  But if you look around and even in your own lives, its apparent, you thirst for His touch too.  You long for His presence and you long for His impartation.  So today, be inconvenienced.  Extend yourself.  Talk to your friends, pray for your family and coworkers.  Respond in faith, however God leads you.  So many things that I have been seeing are now making sense...welcome the inconveniences today.  You never know, the miracle you (or someone else) seek could be waiting for you past the inconvenience.

When Jesus saw their faith, he said, "Friend, your sins are forgiven."  Luke 5:20

Monday, July 14, 2014

A Few Things...

Hey everybody!

My life has been a whirlwind...literally lesson after lesson.  Situation after situation.  But alas, I'm still up...(I blame Insanity workout o_O) and I've been reading and praying and writing and did a video.  Actually I've been doing a lot of videos lately...

Anyway, I'm here to share the link to those videos and also to this blog post I just read that blessed my spirit.  It literally laid out everything that has happened in my life in regards to relationships in the last 5 years.  I'm so grateful that God has me where I am finally able to heal from the remaining remnants once and for all to have a clean slate.  Nonetheless, the post may be a blessing to you and so may the videos.  Oh, be on the lookout for a new bible study series and more to come!  With all that said, sweet dreams!




Testimony Videos:
May 20th Video - 
June 30th Video -
July 14th Video -

"Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it

Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it

Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it."

~Martin Luther King, Jr.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Morning y'all!

I pray this finds you in good spirits. In being obedient, I'm sharing my testimony with you all. Feel free to share it with whomever. I love y'all!


Friday, April 11, 2014

Full Circle

For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.  Philippians 1:6

Good morning beautiful people!  I hope you are having an amazing day so far.  I'm home, sitting on my bed, being a bum, lol, before I go take care of some business.  I read a devotion in this book "Draw the Circle;" I read "The Circle Maker," a book on prayer and also got the 40-day prayer challenge that goes along with it.  The devotion spoke of the importance of journaling. I am an avid journaler, lol, and I have been writing in journals probably since I could write.  Afterwards, I grabbed my new journal to write (new journal, new journey), but God pressed on my heart to grab my journal from the last two years and to look through it. 

Looking back in this way allowed me to see how God has grown me.  And one entry in particular has truly moved my heart.  I'll share some of it with you.

On February 6, 2012, I wrote this:
"I wish I could leave and go into a place where I could recover from this, but I know that is unrealistic."

At the time, I was still recovering from my daddy's death, dealing with some betrayal, dealing with a broken heart and simply attempting to heal from all my past relationships.  I was still in Charleston.

Funny that I looked back today, because God did just that in moving me here.  He answered a prayer that seemed unrealistic to me by moving me to New Orleans and allowing me to begin law school.  He provided finances to help with the cost of school.  He put me in a cocoon, so to speak, because I have not had a serious relationship and have spent time building and nurturing my relationship with Him.  He healed my heart, empowered me to forgive, and showed me the things that mattered most.  He has made me comfortable in my own skin, no longer bound by the words of others or their opinions.  He taught me to trust Him and that I can rest in Him.  Granted, I still have more work to do, but God truly answered my prayer.  And before I looked in my journal, I didn't remember even asking God for that.  

He has truly brought me full circle--from this year being so busy that I could not get sad on my daddy's death anniversary but was instead joyful and cried tears of joy!  He has moved me from a place of complete dependence on my job as a means of survival to being willing to quit and resting in Him for provision.  I have not worked a full 80 hours since last year.  He has been just moving and blessing me in such major ways that I can't explain...It is all God.  All Him.

I invite you to reflect on your life.  Reflect on how God has grown you, moved you from one place to another (both literally and spiritually), and just give Him a shout of praise for the progression.  If you have not yet experienced this in some area of your life, you will come full circle because God wants us to be better men and women!  He wants to grow us and develop us.  He wants to mature us and make us better for His use.  He wants to stretch us and manifest His glory in our lives.  If you haven't kicked the bucket and are reading this, you obviously still have plenty of time!

He will also keep you firm to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.  1 Corinthians 1:8

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

You are NOT Crazy

Joseph, a young man of seventeen, was tending the flocks with his brothers, the sons of Bilhah and the sons of Zilpah, his father’s wives, and he brought their father a bad report about them.  Now Israel loved Joseph more than any of his other sons, because he had been born to him in his old age; and he made an ornate robe for him. When his brothers saw that their father loved him more than any of them, they hated him and could not speak a kind word to him.  Joseph had a dream, and when he told it to his brothers, they hated him all the more.  He said to them, “Listen to this dream I had: We were binding sheaves of grain out in the field when suddenly my sheaf rose and stood upright, while your sheaves gathered around mine and bowed down to it.”  His brothers said to him, “Do you intend to reign over us? Will you actually rule us?” And they hated him all the more because of his dream and what he had said.  Then he had another dream, and he told it to his brothers. “Listen,” he said, “I had another dream, and this time the sun and moon and eleven stars were bowing down to me.”  When he told his father as well as his brothers, his father rebuked him and said, “What is this dream you had? Will your mother and I and your brothers actually come and bow down to the ground before you?”  His brothers were jealous of him, but his father kept the matter in mind.
Genesis 37:2-11

Someday, like today for me, you will realize you have gotten to a point in your life where the moves that God has you making do not seem to make sense to others.  And that's okay, because your purpose is to trust and rest in God, fulfilling God's will for your life.  Today I was reminded of the stories of Joseph and Abraham as I realized that what God has me doing does not make sense to outsiders (this is the MAIN reason God had me learn to keep my mouth shut).  I'm perfectly okay with it because I see how He has confirmed His word to me time and time again.  

For some, it does not make sense to go back to the old office where I was thrown under the bus time after time, overlooked for my promotion, discriminated against, harassed and undervalued (hey it doesn't make very much sense to me either lol hahaha). It does not make sense to stay in a technical job when I am in law school to ultimately change careers some day.  It does not make sense to move back to South Carolina after I did everything I could to move to New Orleans.  But that's okay too.

I shared Joseph's story first because he had to hold on to the dreams that God gave him even when his own family was jealous of him.  Sometimes you will get to a point in your walk with God where you have to hold on to what He told/showed you even when others doubt and do not believe it.  But Joseph experienced accusation and demotion--being accused of rape by Potiphar's wife and thrown into prison after being sold into slavery by his own brothers.  It was all part of God's plan because at the right time, God elevated him to second in command only to Pharaoh! (see Genesis 41) The road may temporarily get lonely, but you are not crazy, keep your eyes on God and keep trusting Him.

Even more similar to my situation is Abraham's own journey.  In fact, before moving here, I taught bible study on Abraham's great faith, and God has reminded me of it many times throughout my stay here. Genesis 12:1 states God's decree to Abram (before God changed his name): The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you."  Later in verse 4 Abram leaves for Canaan with the promise that God would make him a great nation among many other amazing blessings.  He arrives, and takes the lesser land after he and his nephew Lot decide on splitting the land.  Then in verse 10 Abram leaves-- "Now there was a famine in the land, and Abram went down to Egypt to live there for a while because the famine was severe."  To most it would seem crazy to uproot yourself and all your family and possessions from your family.  But to leave the "promised land" is even crazier.  Yet still, there was purpose in Abraham's temporary departure.  Abraham left Egypt more wealthy than he went!

In both of these radical faith situations, Joseph and Abraham had to be willing to trust God despite what others thought.  It was their faith that paid off for them.  God increased them at the appointed time and used the detours as part of the overall plan to elevate them to their destiny.

So I encourage myself today and I hope this blesses you...don't give up when circumstances try to make you question the things God has revealed to you.  Don't give up when you are told you are confused or crazy.  As long as it is God's voice you are listening to, you will get to your promised land--whether it is actually a place, a person, or simply a place in Him.

The Lord said to Abram after Lot had parted from him, “Look around from where you are, to the north and south, to the east and west. All the land that you see I will give to you and your offspring forever. I will make your offspring like the dust of the earth, so that if anyone could count the dust, then your offspring could be counted. Go, walk through the length and breadth of the land, for I am giving it to you.”  
Genesis 13:14-17

Make Music Count on CBS Atlanta

I'm sharing this with y'all because he has an amazing testimony.  This is my friend Marcus.  He QUIT his job to follow his dream of connecting math with music.  I honestly remember when he was thinking of going to grad school for a program that would connect his passions for math and music.  Then last year he reached out to me and others to support him in this...I obeyed God and supported him because I saw God's blessing on the vision he had.  I had to see this as encouragement to myself because of my impending move and quitting my job...the uncertainty that awaits.  It strengthened my faith because just like God used me and others to sow into him, He will do the same for me and for you.  God will make a way and provide for you when you trust Him.  So I wanted to pass it on.  Don't limit God, follow the dream He gave you--of course you must know Him and seek Him for the dream He has for you--because He will bless the dreams He has given you.  It requires some radical faith--which apparently is only the size of a mustard seed, lol.  You have to be willing to walk on water like Peter--keep your eyes on Jesus!  Marcus quit his job at the end of May last year and went into this full time with only two schools, working the program alone.  Now, his program has spread to 15 schools and he has a staff.  Bottom line: don't give up on your dreams, because as long as God ordained it and you keep Him first, its sure to manifest and be larger than you can imagine!!

Love y'all!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

When The Answer You Seek is No

David therefore sought God on behalf of the child. And David fasted and went in and lay all night on the ground. And the elders of his house stood beside him, to raise him from the ground, but he would not, nor did he eat food with them. On the seventh day the child died. And the servants of David were afraid to tell him that the child was dead, for they said, “Behold, while the child was yet alive, we spoke to him, and he did not listen to us. How then can we say to him the child is dead? He may do himself some harm.”  2 Samuel 12:16-18

Today is one of those truth moments y'all!  I pray you are well and that you are remaining encouraged in this day and time!  

When seasons change and the things we have prayed for manifest, we celebrate and shout!  We look forward to the next prayer service, the next fast, or simply the next experience of God because He favored us with His answering of our prayer request in ways favorable to us.

But let's be real, there are many times when the things we have prayed for don't come into fruition.  We pray and pray and that thing does not happen.  We want it our way but God simply says no.  Many refer to it as unanswered prayer, but I believe the absence of that thing is definitely God saying no.  Whether God explicitly says no or denies you without what you think is a clear reply, what do you do in those situations?

If you look at David here, God had already told him that the child he and Bathsheba conceived in sin would die.  He thought God would honor his fast and prayers and change his mind.  David had gotten outside of God's will and had sinned, and so there was a penalty here.  Honestly, you will get a "no" from God when you have gotten off the appointed path He has planned for you and taken a detour on I Want It My Way Boulevard.  You think that because He has said yes so many other times that this time will be just like the others...and when you don't get what you have prayed for, you become bitter towards God.  You get angry, you lose faith, and eventually you keep making additional detours, leading you further and further away from your destiny.  Now, granted, a "no" is not to punish you, it just can mean that God has something better in mind.  I've made my share of detours, but thank God for reeling me in and getting me back on track.

I'm going to share my testimony with a prayer answered no.  So here goes.

For a few years now, I have known who I am supposed to marry.  (Of course there is free will so this person may never step up, but I'm going to keep praying for him and trusting God for our appointed season...but that's another devotion, another day lol.)  Because things happened to cause me to give up waiting on him to come around, I have been dating others.  One guy in particular had surfaced as my top choice and I was making plans in my head, like we women do lol.  (Don't you say you haven't put his last name next to your first...I know you're lying.  Lol)  I was thinking of telling him to consider that the distance will be shorter when I move and that I didn't mind traveling to make it work with him.  I had gotten so excited, because every time I saw him, he gave me everything I felt I wanted.  So I prayed about him...well I did two things.  First I prayed about all the guys I associated with, that God remove those who were not supposed to be there, and that I cut off any attachments preventing me from getting married.  (Maybe this is a yes and NOT a "no," lol)  I also prayed about this guy...shocking to me, God was swift with that no, via a dream.  The dream revealed that our relationship was to be solely platonic, and that I was actually to speak into and minister to him.  I was supposed to lead him to the Word, a 'new life' in God, maybe even encourage a ministry to be birthed in him.  I was not happy about that at all!!  God threw salt all on the fire in my heart and threw a ocean wave on my plans lol.

I was all in my feelings about it too.  I thought we would be perfect together and that we would have some pretty babies (yes I went there smh).  Yeah, there were things that we had our differences on, but I had known him since college, so we had history.  I pouted all last week about it, struggling with the fact that God did not have the same plans as me for me and this guy.  To add insult to injury, God was crystal clear to remind me that the person He had previously revealed to me as my husband was, in fact, still going to be my husband (I'll be honest, I still love him...but had settled for life without him in that role).  Talk about feeling some type of way!  I was really upset about it.  I reached out to my prayer partners and had them all pray for me about it.  I was really hoping God would change His mind, and let me have who I wanted or that I would get some peace with what I felt was a major loss.  The spoiled brat behavior culminated last weekend when I made peace with the fact that God's will was better than what I could plan or conjure up.  I quickly got in line with His agenda and resumed prayers for my husband.

Much like David, I wanted things my way.  I definitely did not go to David's lengths of having Uriah killed to cover up his impregnating Bathsheba, but I prayed a senseless prayer when God had already spoken.  (Now this is a distinction...yes God does have mercy--He had mercy on Hezekiah and gave him 15 extra years of life--but here and like David, I was outside of God's will)  I tried to convince God to change His mind to give me what I wanted, well who I wanted.  I prayed about it, had been praying for him over the years off and on but God was clear that He had other plans.  

I love this picture because I was her last week.  I wanted who I wanted because I could not see how God could make the person He has revealed to me better for me.  I couldn't see it because my eyes were not looking from faith, but at past occurrences.  Sometimes it isn't always a "who", but a thing, a lifestyle or a place that we want that is outside of God's will.

Whenever you ask a question, and it is outside of God's divine will for you, you always get a no.  Don't be stubborn and let that "no"  lead you to rebellion--because you decide to do it anyway.  Why, you ask?  You will end up worse off than before.  The beauty is that God's grace and mercy are new every morning, so you can repent wholeheartedly and get back on track.  BUT why get back on track, if you never leave His will?  Don't let a "no" set you back.

For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.  Jeremiah 29:11

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Countdown to Breakthrough

So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you have to endure many trials for a little while.  1 Peter 1:6

     I pray you are well and these words give you some encouragement.  These last three months have been eventful to say the least.  My time is nearing its end here in New Orleans and I'm grateful.  I've learned the lessons (I hope) that I was supposed to learn, lightened my load and am leaving a lot behind here...physically, spiritually, and mentally.  I'm grateful because God has kept me through it all.

     I wanted to share this past Saturday how God has demonstrated His unfailing love for me time and time again, but especially in these months.  This past Saturday was 4 years since my daddy went home to be with the Lord, and God kept me so busy with school and work that I could not get sad because I was alone.  In fact, I was glad because my daddy wasn't suffering anymore and how God has used it to heal me and my family.  I was especially glad because God showed me that He wanted to hand-handle my healing process by keeping me alone.  In that, I was able to press through the challenge of rewriting a significant part of that 30 page brief (in total 42 pages of blood, sweat, tears and a lack of sleep ) and also overcome my fear of speaking in front of others to give my oral argument.  Focusing on that alone has kept me in a place that I had to trust God and overcome myself to get through.  And all I could do is cry at the revelation of it.

     I also now see that my medicines needed to be increased because of the great amount of physical stress I would be under from being sick and stressed with the demands of work and school.  The more suppressed my immune system was, the less likely I would reject the kidney.  I figured that out one day when I realized the effects all of this had on me.  Stress and illness does the opposite.  I wasn't eating like I should, I wasn't sleeping enough, and I was just worn down.  I was sick a great portion of February, stressing out because I was sick and had gotten behind in the class that I had to write the brief and do the oral argument for...just plain tired and discouraged.  Of course those medicines played a part in me being more susceptible to getting sick, but of course these things are sometimes counterintuitive.  

     So I had to learn to trust God in a new way...and like never before.  I had to surrender to Him, and even now I'm having to surrender to some things I don't particularly feel like doing or feel comfortable in doing.  But its all for God's glory.  He showed me things about myself, mistakes I made in the past, that kept me from fully moving forward.  And its beautiful because I feel like I've come full circle in such a short amount of I can move forward and leave the baggage behind.  

     Well now I'm counting down, and the pressure has been on me these last few days to give up and question God because its out of my control.  I'm in a place I have never been, and it honestly scared me.  I'll be quitting my job in May to move back to SC, and right now I don't have anything to go back to.  I don't have an apartment located yet, I don't have a job, and I haven't been accepted to Charleston School of Law yet (haven't submitted the application yet).  I know I can't doubt God because He has done too much for me. I was in a similar situation when I moved here, and He worked everything out that I had somewhere to go stay and worked it out that my job transferred me here.

     I'll admit, it has been rough at times here.  Work issues took the cake, coupled with a difficult first year of law school, a mediocre first semester this second year (well mediocre to me), to now being told twice that I can't come back to my job in Charleston.  If you ask the faithless Marquita how she feels, she would say I'm losing it over here (lol).  Yet, I'm not.  I have my moments of fear rising, but they are quickly quelled by all the word of God in my heart.  I see I had to spend the time teaching bible study before I left and my first year here so I could study the word for myself to teach others.  Now I am relying on that same word to get me through.

     God has His way of reassuring me, a whimsical way of leading me to the scriptures He wants me to see.  Last mini testimony for this one, I promise.  I was up watching movies on Saturday after hanging with my linesister (I love you Ashley!).  So I watched The Wood, Being Mary Jane (the movie--I don't watch TV so I decided I'd see what it was all about), and Turbo.  After watching The Wood and seeing how Omar Epps' character Mike still loved Alicia, I shed some tears for my own hopes of marriage some day.  (I'm a self-professed crybaby so leave me be!)  Then, in watching Being Mary Jane and her dissolute, hopeless story, I cried even more, having almost lost hope for a future of happiness with someone...because as life would paint it, successful black women don't get married or they get taken advantage of in some way.  Let's not even approach the topic of women in ministry (tuh).  I cried and wondered in my mind if that would be my fate.  True enough, my family is no where like hers nor are my circumstances I know it was the enemy.  Since I hate going to sleep sad, I decided to watch something else.  I ended up watching Turbo.  It was like God was speaking directly to me, showing me numbers (I checked the clock and randomly my account balances, don't judge me, insomnia induced ADD) to get me to check certain scriptures...but I'm certain He had me watch that movie.  Little Turbo the snail never gave up on his dreams, even when the person he loved the most discouraged him.  So clear as day, I heard "don't give up on your dreams. Keep your foundation in me.  I love you.  You will have those things that I promised you."  Then I cried some more because I realized that the enemy was trying in whatever way he could to get me to doubt God.  It also reminded me why I'm careful what I listen to and why I don't watch TV--you have to protect your gates from the enemy!!  But it encouraged me, that God would go to such a great length to reassure me. He even did the same for me yesterday with this stuff with work.

     I guess I'm sharing all of this to encourage you.  Don't give up.  Times may feel difficult right now, things may have you cornered, but God is still God.  If He can be concerned about everything about little ole me, I know He has to love you the same.  Luke 12:7-- Why, even all the hairs on your head have been counted! Stop being afraid. You are worth more than a bunch of sparrows."  So don't give up!  If God knows how many hairs we have--something so minute--He must be concerned with the greater issues we face.  He is there, waiting for you to turn to Him and reach for Him.  These things you are facing are temporary, and will soon end.  Then you will celebrate.  With that, I love you all.  Be encouraged!

Dear friends, don't be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if something strange were happening to you.  Instead, be very glad--for these trials make you partners with Christ in his suffering, so that you will have the wonderful joy of seeing his glory when it is revealed to all the world.  1 Peter 4:12-13

Now the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ Jesus, will personally restore, establish, strengthen, and support you after you have suffered a little.  1 Peter 5:10 

Crowded Toes in Ill-Fitting Shoes

Hey y'all!  So I wrote this last week and forgot to forward to my other blog and email listing.  Hope it blesses you!



Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.  Romans 12:2

I have some beautiful shoes I bought. They are taupe--more grey than taupe but still beautiful nonetheless. But I have gotten attached to them and several pairs of shoes like it. See, I like peep toe shoes with a closed heel. I don't know why!  But I think they look best on my feet. Until I got these shoes, and well another pair I already have but seldom wear. They are a little tight because the leather needs to give...they are not unbearably uncomfortable but there is a tightness that made me go back and forth about keeping them. 

So God spoke to me about the shoes last night before bed. We often end up in the same situations over and over again without knowing. At first it's cute, fun, and exciting. Then the same problems we had before in other situations start surfacing. We wonder where it went wrong...and we continue this behavior.  Could be eating, dieting or dating but it's a pattern nonetheless. 

Hopefully you're like me, you realize that particular cut of shoe isn't for you (or maybe that designer!).  You recognize the pattern and stop making the same mistakes:  you learn from them after you have been in the fire one too many times, or you end up depressed, stressed and beat down.  Recognizing the pattern is only half the battle.  Go to a shoe specialist (okay I'm done with the shoes)--or The Chief Specialist, God--and analyze the problem.  Pray and cry out to Him.  Ask Him to search your heart and reveal you to yourself. Ask God to show you the dark areas that need to be illuminated, the wounds that need healing, and the things that need to be forgiven.  And soon, the habit will be broken and you can go forward to live in the victory!

Since you have heard about Jesus and have learned the truth that comes from him, throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception.  Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes.  Put on your new nature, created to be like God--truly righteous and holy.  Ephesians 4:21-24

Thursday, March 20, 2014

It is Finished.

When Jesus had tasted it, he said, “It is finished!” Then he bowed his head and released his spirit. (John 19:30 NLT)

Now you should finish what you started. Let the eagerness you showed in the beginning be matched now by your giving. Give in proportion to what you have. (2 Corinthians 8:11 NLT)

So I got peace about sharing some of my testimony from the last three months.  So many lessons I've much clarity I've gained and all I can say outside of being sleepy right now is that I'm so grateful.  

This morning as I went to sleep, body worn out and weary...I had peace because I had completed my 30 page brief.  This time last week I had just given myself a pep talk after having a 'Come to Jesus' moment as I like to call it.  I really have to say thank God for this first three months of this year.  I knew ahead of time that things were going to get crazy...but all I could do is say thank you God and endure.

For a long time I thought life was unpredictable and that the things we faced were left up to chance.  Then I grew up and starting seeking God as the pull in my heart for Him got stronger.  Fast forward to now, and I can honestly tell you about 90% of the things I experienced so far this year, I anticipated.

And this morning, as I typed my last word in my revised and edited brief, down from the 36 pages I had initially wrote to the 30 page limit required by my school--the first words I thought and felt with everything within me were, "thank you God for getting me through this."

I have another journey of uncertainty lying ahead for me.  I can't say its a journey so much as an assignment.  I don't know all the details, but I know God will show them to me just like He did for me coming here to New Orleans.  I'm sad to know I'll be leaving the people I have grown to love (and hate--these New Orleans streets are bad on your cars man!) in less than two months.  But I'm even happier to know that purpose awaits me.

I shared these scriptures because they hit my heart today as I thought of all the things I overcame in these last three months, let alone the nearly 2 years I have lived here.  Only God could heal me and heal my heart.  Only God could show me why I've made mistake after mistake...and still love me.  Only God could get me through medical challenges amid law school pressures and working full-time doing development work.  Only God.  Why?  He loves me.  What for?  He has a plan and purpose for me...and I can proudly say its finished (at least this part--I see the end!).  

So many tears I've shed overcoming myself and my past.  So many nights I've cried out...fought back tears in public places, all from awareness of God's revelation and Him showing me myself in the least expected ways.

So imagine my joy today at the submission of that was much like a baby I bore.  I labored late into the night literally several nights to fix errors, reorganize, and get it right.  That has been my actual life process too...up late into the night praying to God for the why, the how, the when, receiving His revelation and direction and making changes to move forward.  In the process I've been more myself than I have ever been, and I have gained contentment in this place.  

I don't know...but I just want you all to remain encouraged in these coming days.  Once you get to that place in God you can rest and know that things will come but He has it all worked out for you.  Do your part as instructed but rest in Him for the next step...embrace the journey, whatever leg of it you are on.  Give God your concerns, your worries, your fears, and your talents...finish the race.

God will carry you through it.  I love you guys...and maybe this makes no sense or has no flow...but I just felt the need to share it. Good night!

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful. And now the prize awaits me—the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on the day of his return. And the prize is not just for me but for all who eagerly look forward to his appearing. (2 Timothy 4:7, 8 NLT)

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Blindly Trusting God

Hey y'all!  I know its been a minute but I've been being officially indoctrinated into law school via my moot court class.  I've never been so stressed in all my life, at least I think.  Seemingly, all hell broke loose but I thank God for the strength to keep moving forward in spite of it all.  Anyway, I hope this blesses you...I posted it to my primary blog on Monday, that's when I went to Pinkberry.

Love, Marquita 

Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, “This is the way you should go,” whether to the right or to the left. (Isaiah 30:21 NLT)

I stopped at Pinkberry earlier today to treat myself to some peanut butter and chocolate frozen yogurt (which they no longer had ).  As I pulled in, I saw a lady teaching another lady to use the visually impaired walking stick, the one that is white and red at the bottom. 

The one being taught had a mask on to block out light (I'm assuming she isn't completely blind yet).  I assume that this also helps to strengthen her hearing to discern distances from on coming cars and the sound differences of the stick hitting concrete, grass, wood, etc. To teach her, the other lady followed behind her, giving her cues and instructions.  

And it hit me. This is totally what God is doing for us if we listen.  Life makes it difficult for us to completely trust God, albeit a god we cannot physically see or touch. He's speaking, in that still, small voice or through scripture, or through dreams or through the man or woman of God where you attend weekly services, or through that introspective stranger, sent to you to deliver a message from God on high. As you listen, you get more comfortable, trusting your steps, using that walking stick to guide you safely into oncoming traffic. As you close your eyes to what you physically see and feel, your inner eyes are opened, your ears tune in, and your heart reaches out for God's hand to lead you through the most tumultuous storms. So you learn, even through your mistakes, and you trust His voice.  Then you arrive at this beautiful place, one you did not anticipate, clothed in His glory and splendor that you have gained along the way.  You are ready to learn a new path, and God is right there to guide you. 

God is everywhere all at the same time and He is speaking to you if you listen, waiting to guide you. It's a true testament to your faith when you step away from the crowd and blindly follow Him.  This journey has been amazing this far and I'm excited to learn more.  I've had to do much more than I expected and some of it has hurt greatly but I'm so happy with who God is making me into. I love me for everything I am and everything that I am not. I've made mistakes and taken wrong turns but God has even been using those to bless me. My journey has led me from Atlanta to Charleston to New Orleans and soon back to Charleston, but I hear Him so clearly now. I've lost friends along the way but God has definitely replaced them with some true jewels.  And the ultimate goal is to fulfill His divine will. So my charge to you today is to take that first scary step if you haven't already done so. Step out blindly in faith and trust God. Seek His divine purpose and plan for your life. Seek Him in everything. You will never know what He has waiting for you if you don't try Him out!

The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you. (Psalms 32:8 NLT)


"Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it

Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it

Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it."

~Martin Luther King, Jr.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

What is your Goliath?

**I initially wrote this on December 20th and I was reminded today to identify my Goliaths so that I can stand in faith, like David, that the Lord of Heaven's Armies, God my Father, will prevail.  I encourage you to do the same and approach everything you face in faith.

David asked the men standing near him, "What will be done for the man who kills this Philistine and removes this disgrace from Israel? Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God?"  1 Samuel 17:26

Heyyyy y'all!! I pray you all are blessed and well!  Christmas is upon us, and I've been spending the last 3 weeks just in thanks, praise and worship during my days (outside of my laughing at the silly videos I see and working like a slave for both my finals and work) because God has been so good.  He has gotten me through so much this year, and I am truly, truly grateful.

So I've been hearing about David a LOT.  A devotion I read a few weeks ago, the scripture of the day last week and a song I've been listening to, and even again today with another devotion, the story of David and Goliath has been there for a reason.  There is so much in the story of David's life.  How he was overlooked by his own father, how he was criticized by his brothers, he was a shepherd--dirty, smelly, and unkempt, how he was pursued in anger and jealousy by Saul after David killed Goliath and became the favorite of the people.  There is so much!  But this morning, I kept hearing, what is your Goliath?  What is your Goliath?  

So I ask you today what is your Goliath.  Is it a person?  A relationship?  A mindset?  Health issues and challenges?  How you were raised?  Things that happened during your childhood?  Your job?  A generational curse?  Your supervisor and/or co-workers?  Moving?  What is it? 

Looking at David, everyone second-guessed him.  No one felt he had the strength to do it.  He got Saul's approval, who tried to put his armor on him.  But even then, he took that off. (That is another lesson, whew.)  But David had already been prepared.  As a shepherd, David had gone to great lengths to protect his flock.  The sheep trusted him, they followed him for their every need.  It was just him and the sheep.  In that isolation, several things happened: He came to know God and to respond to His voice, he had to endure some trying situations to protect them, he killed a lion and a bear, but more importantly, he had to make decisions for the well-being of others (here the sheep) which qualified him.  It was these things that prepared David to kill Goliath, to elude Saul, and to ultimately become king over the children of Israel.

I know I don't just speak for myself here.  I know we have all gone through things that have prepared us for those circumstances we face.  In the midst of the situation, you don't realize how you have already been prepared for it.  I was overcome with praise earlier, just thinking about how God prepared me for the Goliaths and Sauls I have faced so far in my life.  Just to give you a are some:
  • pledging.  Becoming a Delta prepared me for so much.  I prayed and asked God if it was His will for me to become a member and I am so grateful that He used it to make me stronger, wiser, and dedicated.  During that time, I had to overcome so many things within myself: mindsets, weaknesses, trusting others, putting others first all the time...  It was the lessons I learned during that period that helped me to go through the most trying experience in my life at that time: my kidney diagnosis.
  • kidney problems and lupus nephritis diagnosis.  That diagnosis changed my life.  But I refused to accept that God would not heal me.  God's way of healing me was through my transplant and its has almost been 5 years since that!  I never had a true lupus flare up, my tests and serologies have all been negative ever since.  I never had to do dialysis.
  • the relationship from hell.  No pun intended.  In that relationship, I forced myself to love unconditionally, but more importantly it taught me to trust that I hear God's voice.  Everything within me told me not to stay in it, but I thought it was me.  I thought I was being fearful and being scared because of my trust issues.  I learned to trust God for who He has for me, instead of trying to force it with the wrong person.  That relationship affected me in every area...and I'm so grateful it is over!  God even showed me how I could have been the one to be abused...and how He kept me from it.  Now I know that when it is my time, it will be nothing like that.
  • bad financial decisions.  Because I always tried to help everybody, I have made some decisions that were not so wise, one time in particular, I heard 'Don't Do This', my stomach felt sick and everything...and I did it anyway.  In turn, I was almost not able to get a car.  But God made a way with that and I have been diligently climbing out of debt...soon to be out of the majority of my debt minus Sallie Mae of course. 
  • different situations at work.  I had a co-worker tell me they were going to mentor me and help me get my promotion.  Instead, I was thrown under the bus, ran over, and reversed over.  That situation prepared me for what I went through here in New Orleans with work.  I know I've been the product of discrimination both racially and gender-wise.  I still haven't been promoted, but I trust God and I know that He has taken care of me: I survived furloughs and a self-imposed pay cut this year and still have been able to travel and go home.
  • my daddy's death.  That was the worst thing I have gone through but it prepared me for so many things.  I think the biggest Goliath that came out of that was unforgiveness.  To move forward I had to forgive; I've been working on that through writing this book...which manifested another Goliath--defeating the need to hide behind this face.  Now I am not afraid to share my testimony and the things I have endured.  I hid behind my smile because dealing with the things I experienced at the hands of others and as a result of my own choices hurt too much.  I would preach these things at others but would seldom put them to practice.
  • being molested and how that affected everything about me.  I had so much anger about this.  But this tied in with so much...the guilt, shame, and insecurity I felt, my distrust for my extended family (well, this became more apparent after my daddy's death), even addressing the shroud of secrecy and how it keeps a person in a prison.  But releasing those feelings through forgiveness and extending them grace has been a Goliath.  I couldn't even trust my memories, because I did not know what was real anymore.  But with God I have overcome this.  I am not afraid anymore.
Even the little situations have prepared me.  Learning to speak up for myself immediately instead of brushing things under the rug or ignoring it, having to be bold and say some not so comfortable things to people, even living in crazyland away from all my family and close friends has prepared me for moving closer and learning to focus in so I can be successful.  I have learned patience in being here--especially with desiring to get married and have children--that I can't force it myself if I say I trust God.  What is meant to be will be.  I overcame the giants of shame, guilt, insecurity, judgmentalism, so much!!  I really love myself for the first time...and I do not allow anything to keep me down.  There is no thing that I cannot do, as long as I have God.

So again, today I ask you what is your Goliath.  I ask you that and I ask you to identify the things you have overcome.  Trust and know that the power is within you to overcome.  2 Corinthians 12:9-10 tells us that in our weakness we are strong through the power of God.  God will get you through.  Ignore the naysayers, whether it be your enemies, your family, your friends.  All you have to do is rest in Him and trust that He will get you through.  Whether your Goliath is generational curses, the enemy's thought injection, or not trusting that you can overcome your can.  I'm here to tell you that you can.  Look back at what you have overcome.  You may have gotten beat down in some situations but you are still here, so that means you have a victory to praise God for and a reason to celebrate.  You will get through this and Goliath will be defeated.  He cannot defy the Lord--he cannot steal God's purpose and destiny for you unless you allow it.

I love you blessed this holiday season as we celebrate Christ's birth.

So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone; without a sword in his hand he struck down the Philistine and killed him.  David ran and stood over him. He took hold of the Philistine's sword and drew it from the sheath. After he killed him, he cut off his head with the sword.  1 Samuel 17:50-51