Monday, December 1, 2014

God Will Get The Glory

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

I'm reading The Grave Robber by Mark Batterson and it is truthfully the most painful read I've had to do in a while.  The lessons are so necessary but it is truly helping me to see God in a new light and have a deeper and truer love for Him. 

We often complain about the situations we face and allow them to make us victims. It's been a while since I've sat down and had a pity party like that though (not that I'm planning one lol). After God gave me steps for forgiving others, I began the process by trying to explain away or understand why people did the things they did to me in order to let go. Then one day it dawned on me that I needed to forgive for the sake of forgiving and to truly be victorious in the situation.  I had to acknowledge God allowed it, so there must be some good for me in it or through it--that He would use it in some way for His glory.

I can say now with peace that many of the things I have experienced and since overcame, God has allowed me to testify about to others in the midst of the same things.  But it was this past weekend as I read a passage in the book that I realized the importance of accepting Romans 8:28 in regard to the things we face--and really understanding that God's glory can be gained in any situation. 

I relate to several people in the bible.  Besides Abraham, Job, Peter, Deborah, Hannah, and Esther, Joseph is a favorite person of mine. I have had dreams and shared them and I have been discouraged by those close to me.  I have been left in a pit metaphorically by those who are supposed to love and care for me.  I have been overlooked, forgotten and taken advantage of by those who are supposed to have my best interest at heart. What has served to give me peace and comfort is knowing that all those things that happened to me have purpose and a blessing at the end. God used Joseph's suffering to elevate and position him to be the savior of the world as he knew it via being named second in command to Pharoah after interpreting his dream. And He has used my testimony to inspire some that are close to me and now many I don't know. 

The particular passage studied is the miracle of Jesus giving sight to the man born blind. Like most of us do (ask God "Why?" -- don't worry, I do it often), the disciples asked why was the man born blind--or in present terminology, whose fault was it.  Jesus's powerful declaration that it wasn't the result of the man's sin or his parents but that the glory of God may be revealed through it hit my heart. It reminded me of Joseph's words in Genesis 50:20 (You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.)  and it really opened my mind. Regardless of what you have done, what has happened to you, and when it happened, all of it will work out for your good.  God's work in your life will work out for His glory and your good. Even when it seems bleak and hopeless, God is too great to let the situation not bring Him glory.

I am grateful for this book and how God is revealing things to me as I walk closer with Him.  I have a great deal many concerns in my heart and I try to take them all to God and leave them with Him.  But today I know it was necessary to read these things and to accept that it will all work out.  When God is a making a testimony through the things we face, it seems like the worst thing that could ever happen.  But I now rest in peace after reading this book.  I accept that His glory will be revealed through all these things. It may take a week, a month or as in Joseph's case 17 years, but it will work out. I encourage you to choose to walk in victory today regardless of what you see in the natural because God will get the glory out of this!  See life through the eyes of faith.

But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.  1 Corinthians 15:57