Don't Worry, Be Happy!
"So never worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34(IST)
I remember being a worrier ever since I was 8 years old. I had just transferred to John P. Thomas--we moved to Denny Terrace, but they didn't have AAP(Advanced Academic Program for you non-RCD1, non-SC resident folks. I took the advanced placement tests in 2nd grade and was put into AAP because I was not being challenged with the other work. Anyway, I remember I started cracking my knuckles and said something to my teacher Mrs. Gaither. She was so amazed and bewildered by what I had said that she took me to the librarian that was over OM--Odyssey of the Mind. I was very creative and loved art and expressing myself; yep, a little drama queen in the making. But whatever I said, the simple fact of my cracking my knuckles and I guess my worried expression was enough.
All of that stuck out clearly in my mind. Worry is not of God. According to a sermon I heard, worry is only negative meditation. Worry is a form of fear and be that fear of the unknown, of whether you have enough money, enough food, time whatever, worry is not good for you! It ages you--look at all these old-looking young people and other people that time has not been so kind to if you need evidence. Worrying makes you sick! In Hebrew, God is called El Shaddai, the God of more than enough, more than sufficient. God supplies us with all that we need, and if we need more, we should just ask Him! James 4:2 says "...You do not have, because you do not ask God."(NIV) Why worry about things when God will give it? In my case, I have been worrying nearly 20 years, but I am working to stop! If I have to paste sticky notes in my car, in my bathroom, on my desk at work, I will give it to God and ask of Him! I don't want to look like a fossil when I'm 40. I want to keep looking 12, well not that young but close to it!
Don't worry because God provides! Be happy because you are the FAVORED of the Lord! I love you! Don't worry, Be happy! I think I'm going to download that song and listen to it over and over again!
"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7
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