Sunday, December 6, 2009

Daily Devotion

A Conundrum of Thoughts--Clear 'Em Out
'And again, I will put my trust in him...'  Hebrews 2:13
Has your mind ever been everywhere but nowhere at the same time?  Like thinking about bits and pieces of everything or the things that you wish were going on in your life but are not.  Even at those times, that imp confusion tries to break in but can't.  You may be like me, knowing the next step but procrastinating in taking it, because even after you take that step, you are not sure that it is the right way for you to go.  Its like being the middle of a labyrinth (a maze people lol) and there are infinite paths all around you to take but you are not sure.  It is really at these times that we should seek God in every possible way we can.
If you knew me before I went to college, and as I prepared to go, I knew one thing for sure that I would never return to SC.  But we should never say never because we never know what points we have to meet and pass, what stones we have to step over to get to that next point or what unexpected turns we may face.  I went to church today, and although the sermon cast light on lots of things that will help me in my ministry and counseling aspirations, my mind was not there.  It was simply lost in the sea of thoughts surfing through my mind. As I write this right now, I know that my only consolation is turning to God, inclining my ear to His voice and trusting that He will make all wrongs right.
The only way to truly seek God is to pray and open yourself up to listening.  Whether you have to clear your room, clear your house, or just go to the place where you can be totally alone and in God's presence, you should do that.  I know that now, more than ever that we have to truly face ourselves head on and go to God in all things.  Even if you have to meditate on the same scripture, do like Isaiah says in 8:17 and "And I will wait for the LORD who is hiding His face from the house of Jacob; I will even look eagerly for Him."  Even right now, where things are just so uncertain, I know that God has not failed me yet.  In due time you will see what He wants you to see and you will do--if you obey--what He wants you to do.
"For the vision is yet for the appointed time; It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; For it will certainly come, it will not delay.  Habakkuk 2:3

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