Sunday, June 13, 2010

Daily Devotion

In Crisis Time
"If you faint in a crisis, you are weak."  Proverbs 24:10(GWT)
 In periods of crisis and difficulty, the most common reaction is to flee or faint.  Think about all of the wars across history.  People do not make the most rational decisions.  Everything from financial crises to famine, family blowups to battles of the mind, it seems easiest to give up and give in to defeat. 
But being realistic, in trying situations, I know my first instinct is not always to seek God.  And you know why, after years of negative programming, the mind does what is natural for it to do.  It will send complaints to your mouth and repeat "defeat" in your brain.  Once you say it and it gets into your heart, its hard to react any other way.  The cure for this is to break that programming; rather, reprogram your mind with faith-filled words.  A commentary of the above scripture goes further to say "Under troubles we are apt to despair of relief. But be of good courage, and God shall strengthen thy heart."  Our hearts are weak because we do not give it what it needs to remain strong.  The only One who can get us through troubles is God.  The only One who can equip us with the tools is God.  But He already gave us the most important tool to stay focused and strengthened in the midst of trials...His Word!  He already sent Christ to redeem us.
"For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart."  Hebrews 12:3

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