Friday, January 6, 2012

Inspirational Thoughts for Today

A No Carry-On Policy
"Cast your burden upon the LORD and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken."  Psalm 55:22
I had every intention of writing this on New Year's Eve, but I feel like this is still relevant, especially at the helm of the new year.  Many of you know that I traveled frequently for my work in the past.  I got to the point that I never checked my luggage, carrying all I needed in my carry-on luggage.  I'll tell you that I got stronger from all that heavy lifting, because if you know me, I always overpack...slightly lol!  Even now when I travel personally, I try to limit my bags to a carry-on to avoid paying that ridiculous fee.  Besides its much more convenient to travel light anyway.
But as I reflected on the things I desired for this new year of life, I decided that I would instead do the opposite.  I wrote a post on Facebook and let everyone know that I'm grateful to God that we do not have to carry things over into the new year.  In fact, you do not have to carry things over to the next week, next day, next hour, or the next moment.  God desires to carry our burdens and anxieties for us.  Life would have us think that we must carry the burdens of life all by ourselves and try to right the wrongs of life in our own power.  But if you do not know it already, it is IMPOSSIBLE.  We were not equipped to carry all that pressure.
Worrying and doubting are the products that cause us to believe the lie that we can fix things in our own power.  The world would have you to believe that all you need is a self-help book, a massage or spa day, and viola! life as you know it is fixed.  But those things, regardless of the temporary pleasure, cannot hold a candle to truly submitting your prayers, issues, and will to the leading of God.  God is the only one that has the power to alleviate that pressure by carrying you through the difficulty.  So for 2012, I suggest you adopt a no carry-on policy: no more carrying hurt, bitterness, defeat, unforgiveness, hatred, self-pity, doubt, worry, anxiety...anything that you have been holding on to, leave it at the gate as God prepares to take you to the next phase of blessings and favor in your life.
"Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established."  Proverbs 16:3

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