I haven't written poetry in years but today and with everything that has been happening lately and truthfully my observations about life lol, I felt inspired. Hope it blesses you! Patience is a virtue and I will begrudgingly continue being patient haha!

Looking for Love
Love, where are you? I've been searching high and low for you, looking over, in under and through people to find you, but your presence still evades me.
Love, where did you go? Why did you leave me? The air is still tinged with your aroma, with the effervescence of your essence and I still…can't…find…YOU.
Love do you still exist? So much that my friends and family resort to a computer screen to find you when you used to be in between the cosmic condensation of space, called now, something we witnessed in our parents and grandparents, but yet now you elude us as life dilutes us from what is real…what is…you.
Love, what do I need to do, to have you here with me, permanently, conjunctively, with no dysfunctions or disjunctions? What do I need to do to feel your lasting warmth, your sweet embrace and to admire your lovely face? What do I need to do to just hold you, feel you and taste the air you breathe, my eyes are blind and I cannot see without you.
Love, deep in my heart I cannot doubt the seeds you planted when you left. I cannot allow the reality of right now to disillusion me against the realness of your message, of your sentences filled with verbs—your words, singing to my heart, that even though sometimes we are distant we will never part, that you hold my heart. Even when chasing dreams and ambitions hide your smile from eyesight's view, I must keep hold of vision, to you I remain true.
Love, thank you for the reminder that when I doubt you're there I must look within to that place, that now dark, damp and dusty place where you once lived, and if I gaze on the memory I realize that you never left me and you will always live within me as long as I am true to myself and remember why My Father gave you to me…so that others can see Him through me, so that each days mercies are new to me, and so that He can use me, to find you.
Marquita 02/20/2013
1 Corinthians 13:4-8Love is patient. Love is kind. Love isn't jealous. It doesn't sing its own praises. It isn't arrogant. It isn't rude. It doesn't think about itself. It isn't irritable. It doesn't keep track of wrongs. It isn't happy when injustice is done, but it is happy with the truth. Love never stops being patient, never stops believing, never stops hoping, never gives up.
Love never comes to an end.
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