Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Surrender Explained

So far I have had two dreams that I can clearly see as dreams instructing me to surrender. One was probably three years ago with God as a gentle lion and one from last year that revealed the platform He has given me will expand no matter how much I tried to force it back small. Once I stopped fighting its expansion, I was able to move on. What's key to point out is that afterwards, I was peaceful and walking with ease, just allowing things to happen.

I realized after putting some pieces together that the concept of surrender is far greater than I had previously conceived it to be. Once you stop fighting the feelings and surrender to them, they can no longer control you. Once you stop trying to force your way and follow God, things fall into place will get those things that God intends for you. Once you accept things and people as they are, you are freed. Control is a false mental construct that makes us believe our input or hands on/in a situation can alter its outcome. While we can often alter an outcome, it's usually never better than if we would allow God to lead the way. How do I know?  I've made many the mess of a situation only to turn back to God. I ran from His instructions and eventually returned back to Him to do what He said in the first place. When I didn't have the strength to do things, He gave it to me. 

Surrender is often multi-faceted because we can only surrender those things we are aware of. If you don't know a certain thing controls you, how can you surrender it to God for deliverance from it? Healing? Progression? The key is in allowing God to show you everything about yourself.  It is often very difficult to do, but there is freedom in it.  There is beauty in that transparency.  It helps you to live authentically and without reservations.

Surrender isn't just praying about a thing one time.  Sometimes it's taking it back to God repeatedly until it no longer consumes you and you have peace knowing that it will work out how God wants it to. You keep taking this issue back to God in prayer until you no longer have the need to exercise control over or force it to be fixed by your hands or in your timing.  Or you can get fed up and release it once and for all.  I've experienced both sides of the coin.  Ultimately, it's relaxing into a place of peace regardless of the outcome.  Either way, if it is a one time thing or you have to continually "wash yours hands of the situation", its the complete release of a thing to God for Him to handle and resolve on your behalf.

Get to your point of surrender and trust God to work it out better than you ever could.  Life is sweeter on the other side of surrender!

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