Tuesday, October 13, 2015

New Chapter

If you're an avid reader like me, you look forward to the next chapter in the book you're reading. There are varying types of chapters in books.  Some chapters merely continue in on the story with no clear transition. Some chapters end with dramatic cliffhangers, giving you nothing to indicate what is coming ahead but an abrupt, jarring climax.  Some chapters set you up for the next chapter by giving you enough to infer what is going to happen, but not enough for you to put down the book. And then some chapters just fail to deliver and leave you with a what was that? Lol

Well for me, at least for the foreseeable future, my chapter in Charleston has ended. As God does to me, it's always a roll of the dice as to where He will send me next. This chapter is one of those page turners that you don't expect...the lead character gets an opportunity not expected and moves! And this morning as I made my drive, it rained. Rain is a good omen, at least for weddings.  This is a marriage of sorts, of my purpose and willingness to follow God wherever He calls me to. Rain symbolizes new beginnings and a washing away of the old to usher in the new. And I'm truly so grateful!!

The hardest people to leave were my family in Charleston. The last 2+ months God blessed my nomadic journey by living there and truly being loved. I cried as I hugged my niece and brother for the last time for the next few weeks. Yes of course I'll see them again, but it was one of those chapters that leaves the lead character permanently changed for the better. 

So I look forward to my new beginning...in less than 2 hours I'll jump feet first into it. Lesson here: be grateful and live the journey. Don't be so destination-centric that you don't live. Don't be so bent on getting where you want to go that you miss God's nudges for your growth and the call to adventure along the way. 

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