Monday, July 6, 2015

21 Days To Freedom: Day 7 He Isn't the One Who Hurt You

For a long time, guys who were similar in physical build to my abuser scared me.  I actually dated two guys that somewhat reminded me of him (they didn't look like him at all, it was just something about them that triggered him) and at times, I found myself fearful of them.  I found myself just going along with what they asked out of fear.  And I had to pray about that because I don't want to be afraid of anyone.  I don't want to shy away from interactions with people because something about them reminded me of my abuse.  I learned again, that I had not released all of the pains associated with being molested and because I felt powerless in my "no", I regressed back to the little girl who was crying and screaming no and was not heard.

I have to truly thank God for healing me because I could have been so many other places but here.  I have to praise His name for healing me and restoring me because I could still be making poor choices and feeling powerless in my life.  I am thankful to God for saving me and showing me that I don't have to be afraid.  You don't have to be afraid and you don't have to connect people to your abuse.  You are a victor. You can and will break free!

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