Monday, August 31, 2015

Revived in the Fight

"This is my comfort and consolation in my affliction: that Your word has revived me and given me life. [Rom. 15:4.]"
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭119:50‬ ‭AMP‬‬

Today was a beautiful day...but it didn't start that way for me. I began a prayer challenge almost two weeks ago, or rather a period of warring in prayer. Every other challenge has been amazing, but this one hasn't been. If I'm honest, it has actually been very difficult. Why? God has called me to pray for some heavy things. Things that require a greater level of faith...people who I haven't had to pray for in a while...things I don't want to do!  But I fully accept the challenge now.

I knew it was different because I haven't been getting rest. I've been tired when I wake up. I was sick last week and I have been trying to shake it off. God reminded me that the devil loves to attack us when we are physically weary so I knew I needed to get rested in some way. But it alerted me to the seriousness of my prayer requests...the lives at stake, the destinies in jeopardy, the promises on the verge of abortion, the futures that were going to be miscarried.  So I committed to pray harder, seeking more scriptures and rededicating myself to warring in prayer as an intercessor.  Then this morning I just knew I needed to get up off my humps and go home. I wanted to go to my home church but I just couldn't get myself to leave. I listened to the live streaming of my church in New Orleans and God began His spiritual IV for one area of my prayers in that service.

So I had planned to go see War Room yesterday but the line at the movie theater was too long. So I planned to go after leaving the grocery store and unpacking the groceries. When I got in, I began to cook and it just didn't happen so I planned to go today.

So back to today...I just knew I needed to get home.  It began raining at 11:15am or so. So even in the rain, I drove home. I wanted to go to the movie at 5:00...but I didn't get to Columbia until 5:15, with the rain and almost running out of gas 😅.  I knew I had to see the movie today though. I started crying while watching my streaming service because they showed the preview of the movie and the Spirit hit me then.  

So when I finally saw was waves of confirmation and caused me so many tears. Literally everything they mentioned in the movie were things I was already doing. I already pray for my future husband daily, I documented answered prayer via a prayer journal I had, I had a set apart area for prayer (well in New Orleans...and in my room recently)...the things I abandoned, I saw today that I needed to revive these practices. 

Maybe you've seen the movie, but it did for me what I needed today. It revived me. It gave me a divine surge of faith and encouragement to get back to God and the faith practices I had previously. It helped me to see the need to be so focused on God that you aren't overtaken by the distractions the enemy sends.  This morning I was overwhelmed I'm ready to keep pressing. I'm ready to speak life to dead things in my life and in the lives of those I'm assigned to pray for right now. I have many prayer requests that I've turned over to Him but I need to combine the prayers with faith and go the extra mile by backing them with scripture.

Like these scriptures say, I've been quickened by His word and I've been revived. Funny thing, this past week was revival at my home church. God spoke revival to me earlier this year and I believe today He revived some things for me and for those that saw the movie. Intercession is difficult at times because it requires a bearing down and a pressing. It requires the persistence of the Persistent Widow (Luke 18) and the bold faith and the audacity of the importune neighbor(Luke 11). It reminded me exactly what the prayer challenge is supposed to do. 

God has reminded me of storms a lot lately...and the kind of authority it takes to speak to a storm. Intercession is praying before the storm, in the midst and after the storm. It's holding God at His word for what He said. It's taking God back His word and demanding the obstacles submit to the truth of who God is. He was speaking to me today and for this season to stand up and remember who I am. Today I encourage you to be revived and remember who you are. 

I love you and I'm praying for you. If there is something specific you'd like prayer for, please message me at and I'll add you to my prayer list. Be revived!!

"I will never forget Your precepts, [how can I?] for it is by them You have quickened me (granted me life)."
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭119:93‬ ‭AMP‬‬

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