Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Daily Devotion

What Season are You Residing in?

"He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, Which yields its fruit in its season And its leaf does not wither; And in whatever he does, he prospers." Psalm 1:3

This is actually one of the things I have on my prayer list, that God reveal to me what season I am in.  It is important to know what season you are in because then you will know what you need to do.  There are many kinds of seasons--seasons for weather, seasons for growing food, seasons for procreation.  I'm going to focus primarily on seasons for growing food or simply seasons of harvest.  There is the planting season--where you plant seeds.  You dig the hole, drop the seed in, cover it with soil and fertilizer, and you water it.  You repeat this process until you have seeded the entire field.  Then next you need to water the seeds--the seed receives the nutrients it needs to grow and take root.  It has to have sunlight too.  So the seed is watered on a regular basis, followed by sunlight and even re-fertilized.  This cycle continues until it is time to harvest.  Your plant has to have those particular conditions in order to thrive.  Sometimes plants are faced with difficult weather or neglect, which can potentially kill it.  Yet all in all, when its time to harvest, you will see the fruits of your labor.  During the harvest, the plant is dug up or picked and taken to be processed.  It is in the season of harvest that all the work, the water, the sunlight, everything that is put into that seed is realized.  The seed undergoes a transformation of breaking from its former shell to become something new during the growth season in which it is tended to.  And the process repeats itself.

We all have seasons in our lives.  Sometimes that growth phase is long and ugly, where we have to weather monsoons and hurricanes that come at us for no apparent reason.  Sometimes we are in the planting phase, where we need to stock up on a much of God's word and promises as we can.  We need to plant the word deep in our hearts so that we can reap its benefits whenever we are under attack.  We must meditate on the Word so that we can produce harvests of spiritual, physical, mental and emotion, and financial prosperity.  We must read the Word every single day so that we can keep that seed of faith alive during periods of dormancy.  But like a perennial plant that keeps coming back, once we sow in God and His Word, it keeps on producing in our lives.  We will continue to reap bountiful harvests as long as God resides in our hearts and we nourish what has taken root within us.

"You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours." Psalm 128:2

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