Monday, November 19, 2012


The LORD will smite you with the boils of Egypt and with tumors and
with the scab and with the itch, from which you cannot be healed.
Deuteronomy 28:27 NASB

Itching in almost all cases is an indicator that there is something
wrong. Whether you start itching immediately after a mosquito bite,
you start itching during the summer from the heat and the resultant
eczema patches, or you are suffering from allergy and sinus-induced
itching and scratching of the throat and ears as often used to happen
to me, itching is an indication that further investigation should be
done to identify the root of the issue.

Likewise, when we itch spiritually, that is a clear and key indication
that something is going wrong in our lives. And more often than not,
we all seek natural ways to calm the itch.

Testimony Time! Okay, sigh, inhale and exhale here it goes...

So...when I had my transplant, I decided to give my life to God fully,
meaning I would date whoever He had for me--thus resulting in me
breaking up with my high school sweetheart, I would do whatever He
wanted me to do with my life--including pursuing ministry if that is
what He had for me, and just live life for Him and leave everything
that was hindering from true growth and development behind. Sure
enough...I started in the area of love, seeking to learn to love
whoever He put my life how He loved me. So I tried, I mean I tried,
taking every kind of mental blow and honestly lowering my standards to
be the best girlfriend I could be. But something within me just felt
the relationship was so wrong. On the surface, everything seemed
okay. I thought my apprehension was a defense mechanism I had
acquired from life and life experiences. Instead of letting God love
me and thus teach me how to love others with His agape kind of love, I
stayed in an unhealthy relationship that took a toll on me and scarred
me. I was so afraid to be in a relationship after that one that I
just kind of 'floating' in a quasi-relationship status, from one guy
to the next, all the while harboring the anger and bitterness that my
ex sparked within me. I had the realization at my dad's funeral that
I had a perfect example of His love all along in my parent's
relationship...and I had been seeking to satisfy that need to love and
be in a relationship for validation in the wrong person, through the
wrong means.

I now know that it is no truer a statement that if you try to appease
an itch with a mediocre balm--lust, human conditional love, work,
etc.--IT WON'T HELP! In fact, it can make the itch worse. It can and
will leave you broken, battered, bruised and still itching!

I find comfort now that as long as the thing I desire is in God's
will, He will provide it. I can go to Him and get my fill of
'antihistamines' and 'histamine-blockers' for any situation or
circumstance. Stop scratching those itches with poor imitations of
the real thing! You can't get a knockoff generic when Benadryl is
proven to provide you relief! God is the relief you seek!

And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from
his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19 NLT

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