Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Daily Devotion

Living Without Expectations
"Put not your trust in princes, Nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help."  Psalm 146:3
Hi everyone!!!  I know, long time, no hear...but the original purpose of my starting this blog was to share my experiences and possibly minister to you all through them.  The last few months have been extremely difficult.  Nonetheless, I have learned the most important lesson, that I cannot expect anything out of the next man.  I cannot expect people to solve my problems, deal with my issues, heal my hurts.  But lets be realistic here: you cannot expect anything out of other people.  You cannot expect them to tell the truth, to help you, to be there fully when you need it.  YOU cannot expect a mere man to do what GOD PROMISES.
Another translation of the above verse says "Do not trust in princes, In mortal man, in whom there is no salvation."  The commentary of verses 1-4 says in essence that how can we trust a man, that dies, because once he returns to the earth, everything he every said he would do, wished he could do, desired to do, etc vanishes and goes away!  But the critical part that just dawned on me is that I have been expected everything and everyone for quite sometime now to help me or fix me--but lacking the most important element--GOD himself in it.  I can ask people for all of the help in the world, go to group meetings, counseling, etc. but without God, without trusting and seeking God in everything, there is no true hope.  We can expect God to hold true to His promises, mandates, and decrees.  We can expect His healing, His deliverance, and His love because His word is fact.  God's word stands and holds true, even when someone lets you down.  God's promise to provide your needs and give you the desires of your heart stands firm because it's in His word.  God promises to provide you a way of escape when temptations get too great.  All of God's word applies, not some.  And in that alone, we can truly be free to live in the moment--the truth that God will direct us each and every moment, that God will protect us and love us, each and every moment.  You cannot expect anything less of God.  Now I am not saying to not trust people--on the contrary, I am saying that you should trust God first to provide whatever it is that you may need, so that you may know who He sends your way; and thus, who you should trust.
Good night and love as always!
"O taste and see that the LORD is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!"  Psalm 34:8

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