Monday, March 14, 2011

Daily Devotion #2

Like a Child

But Jesus said, "Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."  Matthew 19:14 NASB

I just had to write about this!  I often think about how to worship and praise God, whether I am doing it right.  I have learned that there is no particular right way to praise and worship God, as long as your act of worship is from the heart.  With that said, my precious god-daughter definitely showed me that there is no shame in praising God!  I go further and generalize this by saying there is no shame in working for God, having a relationship with God, or being obedient to God's call.

She is 20 months old, and learning to talk--a lot.  I enjoyed spending the weekend with her and her mom, but the best part of it was when we went to church yesterday morning.  She loves music and loves to dance, so when the praise and worship part of service was going on, she was watching the praise dancers and clapping along with everyone else.  She stood up and danced a little too.  But what helped me refocus--because I got distracted in anger at how some people were dressed (I was raised that you wear appropriate clothes to church, not last night's club wear...but I digress, because if that is all that you have, then go right ahead and come)--was when she raised her hands in worship and waved her little hands.  I was already moved by the music and definitely the sermon (God was speaking DIRECTLY to me and I would be foolish to ignore that), but when I saw her, in her innocence, praising God, I had cry.  Regardless of your age, God is calling out to you.  Young or old, black or white, man or woman, God is calling out to us all.  He does not want us to hold back our praise, our worship and especially in our relationship with Him because we do not want to be different or stand out from others.  He wants us to come to Him in honesty and truth, innocence like a child, and humbled.  I was truly humbled by that because sometimes with tradition, you do not fully understand why some things are done. 

I do not really think she understood, but then again I may be wrong.  I think that she was doing what she saw others doing, because that is how children learn at that age, by repeating what they see and hear.  At any rate, her innocence humbled me and showed me that regardless of my age, I cannot be afraid to yield to the Spirit, or to go to God and do what He wants.  I must follow Jesus' example and imitate Him.  And the same goes for you; in whatever God is calling you to do, do not be afraid to do whatever God is calling you to do, even if you do not clearly understand.  God will honor your willingness to obey and He is faithful to order your steps.

And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."  Matthew 18:3 NIV

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