Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Colossians 1:10
10 Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and your lives will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better.

Matthew 5:48
48 But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect

1 Corinthians 3:6
6 I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow.

Proverbs 11:28
28 Trust in your money and down you go! But the godly flourish like leaves in spring.

Psalm 92:13, 14
13 For they are transplanted to the Lord’s own house. They flourish in the courts of our God. 14 Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green.

Colossians 1:6
6 This same Good News that came to you is going out all over the world. It is bearing fruit everywhere by changing lives, just as it changed your lives from the day you first heard and understood the truth about God’s wonderful grace.

Mark 4:8
8 Still other seeds fell on fertile soil, and they sprouted, grew, and produced a crop that was thirty, sixty, and even a hundred times as much as had been planted!”

2 Corinthians 10:15
15 Nor do we boast and claim credit for the work someone else has done. Instead, we hope that your faith will grow so that the boundaries of our work among you will be extended.

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