Tuesday, June 30, 2015

21 Days To Freedom: Day 1

Almost three years ago, God told me to share my story.  Since that time, He has performed intensive, delicate surgery to get me to a place to even be able to talk about it without crying and sharing it with complete strangers...talk about liberation!  When I first recorded a video about being molested, I cried the entire way through it.

Last night, after watching a poem given by a formerly homosexual man who was delivered from homosexuality, it helped me see how critical it is to our faith truly surrender everything to God, then to share our testimony and shine the light on the secrets and the darkness in our lives.  Keeping secrets to yourself and not at least sharing them with God  We must believe in the redemptive power of God, the delivering power of God, and the saving power of God.  Far too many of us put God in a box (me included) and do not give God the freedom to save us from ourselves.  We think that we are beyond saving and delivering so we continue to keep our junk hushed away when we would set free if we only turned it over to God.

I realized last night that most of us do not think God can really deliver us, and as a result, live our lives bound and in bondage to our flesh and minds.  We live impaired lives because we never reach our full potentials.  But if we truly sought God for deliverance and for healing, He could give it to us.  Its that lingering doubt that we entertain and that we in turn allow to keep us crippled.  I have begun to walk and I don't want to be crippled anymore.  I hope you don't either.  Let's trust God for your deliverance and healing...for your liberation.  These videos aren't just about being molested, but anything you've kept a secret...be it a pornography addiction, alcohol and drug addiction, sex addiction, promiscuity...anything that you've allowed to lurk in the darkness.  Let's shine the Light of God.

Over the next 21 days, I will tell a secret.   Here is today's secret:

Let's get free together!  Email me at lifeinspiredbygod@gmail.com so that I can pray in agreement with you.

"Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it

Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it

Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it."

~Martin Luther King, Jr.


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