Wednesday, June 10, 2015

30 Before 30: Don't Miss the Moment

I know I owe y'all like FIVE of these, haha, but I had high hopes and great intentions. If I don't send it out, know it will be on my blog. I know from personal experience (obviously in this case), life gets busy and sometimes very hectic.  We get caught up in our own things and the hustle and bustle of our own lives and before we know it, we have missed out on things. Often times than not, missing out on things is more deep than that.  We miss out when we allow our fear to keep us from taking that necessary step.  By choosing to walk in fear instead of faith, we miss the moment that could change the trajectory of our lives exponentially.

Still yet, because of being so busy and so internally focused, you miss out on a moment to be someone's shoulder to cry on.  Or you miss the turn on your way to your destination because you were distracted.  The key to being aware of these moments is walking in discernment and having your ear spiritually tuned to God's frequency.  God has made sure to have me in the right place at the right time on many occasions and I am grateful that He has used me to minister an in-time and on-time word to others.  I was only able to get to this place by eliminating distractions, both internal and external, so that I could hear God's voice more clearly.

Missing the moment is bigger than what I shared here.  Missing the moment can result in monumental losses; who better to illustrate this than the children of Israel.  12 spies were sent into Canaan and only 2 gave a positive witness.  The other 10 spies gave their account tainted with fear, which cost them their lives and the lives of the generation that believed them and grumbled against God.  Because of the fear of the other 10 spies, the children of Israel were severely punished (see Numbers 14).

Missing the moment can have detrimental impacts on you and those around you. If God is leading you to do something, you can be sure that it will bless that person; I experienced that recently and was greatly humbled by God's trusting me in that situation.  Also, missing the moment could cause you your life, your future, and the lives of those coming after you; so when God says go, you better get to moving!  The key to this is using discernment at all times.

So today, listen for God's still small voice and be sure to capture the moment, because it may never return!

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