Friday, August 7, 2009

Daily Devotion

The Power of Words

Good Morning! I'm back on the east coast (ugh because of the humidity) and already Satan has started! He actually started 2:27 am this morning by waking me up and not allowing me to fall back to sleep until after 5 am(mind you I woke up at 6:30)... And yet even more character attacks when I got to work... But I won't be a quitter and I will wait until God's plan is revealed even though I know even more clearly that it's time for me to go. But I thought about this last night before I went to sleep and on my plane back from Atlanta. Have you ever noticed that if you said "I hate broccoli" that every time you saw them you felt "hatred" for the broccoli even more? Maybe broccoli in this case is a person...I have a few pieces of broccoli that if...let me stop!

Well if you constantly say "I can't do this" or "I'm not going to do this well" or "I hate her/him" or anything negative you are giving life to those very words. As the saying goes you go looking for something you just might find it... When you speak negativity into your own life, those negative seeds take root and grow in the fertile soil of your mind and your heart. If you replace the situations you are concerned about with positive reinforcement from God's word you are sure to change that situation! Proverbs 4:3-4 says that "When I was a boy in my father's house, still tender, and an only child of my mother, 4 he taught me and said, "Lay hold of my words with all your heart; keep my commands and you will live. Verse 5 is also important: "Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or swerve from them." Proverbs 4:20-22 also tells us to keep the word in our hearts because the are life to us and bring us health! Taking that into consideration, don't you think that the Word if meditated on and spoken on a regular basis can change our thinking, our habits and our decisions?

Remember, we do not fight a physical battle as Christians. (2 Corinthians 10:4-5, Ephesians 6) You can win the battle over control of your mind by putting good words in it, mainly the word of God! I have like at least 10-12 index cards that I carry with me with key scriptures to reinforce what I pray for each day. I read them out loud many times a day and many I know by heart. Don't give up and remember the very things you say shape your thoughts and ultimately your life. I'm going to post my little mantra up later when I find it. Pastor Dollar at World Changers said it during a series He preached and I've had it posted in my room ever since!

Be blessed!
"The joy of the Lord is your strength." Nehemiah 8:10

Marquita B. Priester

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